Part 9

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Xiaoying : uff... You are irritating. You made me scared.

Baicao : but you were really looking like a ghost.

Xiaoying (with a murderous look) : you...

Baicao : Okay. Now I am going my room.

Then she went her room.
Next day...
At song Bai hall...
Baicao was practicing. After some hours their practice gets finished. Everyone was leaving the hall. But suddenly Chang an called baicao....

Chang an : baicao...

Baicao : yes coach.

Chang an : you will stay here. Because you have to do some extra training.

Baicao : o.. Okay...

Xiaoying : baicao I am going. Bye.

Baicao : bye.

Xiaoying went from there. And baicao starts practicing.
At night...
Baicao was going her home but suddenly it's starts raining so heavily.

Baicao : oh god...

Then she starts running. Then she went under a bus stand. She gets half wet.

Baicao : ohh shit... Now how will I go home??

Then she sits on a chair. After half an hour a car stopped in front of her. She looked towards the car. The person who is in the car opened the window of the car. It was Ting hao.

Ting hao : what are you doing here??

Baicao : nothing.

Ting hao : oh... Okay.

Then he about to go but suddenly baicao says...

Baicao : hey wait. How can you leave a girl alone here??

Ting hao : oh... So you want me to leave you at your home.

Baicao was silent.

Ting hao : Okay. You can come.

Baicao smiled. Then she went near the car and went inside. Then ting hao about to start the car but suddenly he noticed something. He went closer to baicao and baicao gets scared.

Baicao (scared) : what are you doing??

Ting hao smiled and tied her seat belt. Baicao gets relief. Then he starts driving. After a while they reached there.

Baicao : thank you.

Ting hao : no need. If their was a another girl in your place then I also did the same.

Baicao : Okay bye...

Then she went her home. And ting hao was also about to go suddenly his eyes fall on a ear ring. He took it. A smile comes on his lips. Then he went from there. After a while he reached his home. He went his room. Then he went for shower. After a while he came out. Suddenly his phone starts ringing. He picked it up.

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