Part 13

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At song bai...
Everyone was practicing. Baicao was continuously kicking on the stand bag but suddenly she stopped. And sits on the bench.
Her leg was paining. Then Xiaoying went near her.

Xiaoying (worried) : what happened baicao?? Are you okay??

Baicao (holding her leg) : yeah... I am okay.
Then Chang an also went there.

Chang an : what happened baicao??

Baicao : nothing coach.

Then she was about to stand but her leg started paining a little bit more. So she again sits on the bench.

Chang an (worried) : hey, let me check your leg.

Then he holds her leg and saw red marks on her feet.

Chang an : what happened on your feet??
Baicao : maybe I kicked the stand bag little hard that's why...

Xiaoying : you are really so silly. What's the need to kick the stand bag hardly?? It's not your opinion at all and not even enemy.

Baicao : sorry...

Chang an : OK you take some minutes rest then again start practice. Hm??

Baicao : Okay...

Then Chang an went from there.
After practice...
Everyone went from there. Chang an also about to go but suddenly his eyes fall on a pendant. Which was on the ground. He took it up. After seeing it he feels little strange.

Chang an : whose pendant is this?? Why does it looks same??

Suddenly baicao came there.

Chang an : you here?? Any work??

Baicao : no actually my pendant...

Chang an (showing her pendant) : is this your??

Baicao : yeah... Thank you...

Chang an : it's okay.

Then she took her pendant and went from there.
At night...
In Chang an's home...
He was thinking something.

Chang an : why baicao have that pendant?? Is this means something??

Then he took the wooden box.

Chang an : I need the key for open this box. Baicao also have a key. Is this means we are brother and sister. (holding his head) can't happen.

Suddenly a sound came from behind "wow!! Coach and baicao are siblings. Wohoo!!
Chang an looked behind. It was Fei Yu.

Chang an (nervously) : what are you saying Fei Yu??

Fei Yu : coach I can't believe that you both are siblings. Is it true??

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