Part 14

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Next day...
At song bai...

Chang an : baicao...

Baicao : yes, brother....

Yi Feng (taunting) : wohoo... It's really sounding great you call him brother.

Chang an (angrily) : yi feng!!

Yi Feng : sorry coach... Actually I was just saying.

Baicao : no... It's okay.

Xiaoying : you are really lucky baicao that you have a brother like coach.

Yi Feng : yeah... What a luck!!

Suddenly baicao's phone starts ringing. She went other side and picked the call.

Baicao : Hello...

Person : Hello baicao...

After hearing his voice baicao gets shock. Tears starts falling down from her checks. Suddenly that person cuts the call.

Baicao (with teary eyes) : Hello...

But no answer...
Baicao  starts crying and ran from there. Chang an, yi feng and Xiaoying gets worried for her.

Xiaoying (worried) : baicao...

Chang an (worried) : what happened to her??

Xiaoying : I don't know.

Then three of them starts running behind her. But couldn't find her. They gets too much worried.

Xiaoying (worried) : aahhh... Baicao... Where did you gone??

Yi Feng : hey, don't get worry. We will find her.

Then Chang an came near them.

Chang an : I couldn't find her.

Xiaoying : what happened to her??

At afternoon...
Still they couldn't find her they are calling her but she wasn't picking any calls. Xiaoying gets too worried even she starts crying.

Yi Feng (consoling) : hey, don't cry. We will find her. C'mom stop crying.

Xiaoying (crying) : but where did she gone??

Yi Feng : maybe something happened to her. Don't think she will come back.

Then he went out... All members of song bai were worried. Suddenly Xiaoying's phone starts ringing. Xiaoying picked the call.

Xiaoying : Hello... Senior ting yi...

Ting yi : Xiaoying where is baicao?? I have been calling her many times but she isn't picking up my call.

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