Part 23

129 16 45

Tinghao immediately stands.

Tinghao : baicao.... Actually....

Baicao was too much angry.

Baicao (angrily) : Actually what..!!?? What are you doing with her??

Tinghao (consoling) : baicao, please cool down. Let me answer your all questions.

Baicao (angrily yet loudly) : what will you say?? What do you want to say?? What has left to say?? Say me...

Tinghao (clamly) : baicao, it's not like the way you are thinking. She was....

Baicao (angrily) : shut up..!! I don't need any explain. I have saw what I needed to saw.

She angrily left the home.

Tinghao (worried) : baicao..!!

He also left the place.
Lemma smiled and sit on the couch.

Lemma (with a evil smile) : chen Zhou will surely be happy after listening this news.

And here...
Baicao was too much angry. Her tears was falling down from her cheeks. But she wasn't crying. Finally Tinghao holds her hand.

Tinghao (requesting) : baicao please try to understand...

Suddenly baicao turns her face toward him. As she turns she slapped him hardly. He gets too shock.

Baicao (angrily) (with teary eyes) : don't you even dare to touch me.. You are a cheater.. You are a playboy.. You cheat on me..!! You always play with girls heart.

Tinghao (angrily) : now it's enough..!! (he holds her shoulders tightly) I am listening to you from a long time. How dare you slap me!! You think that I cheat on you. Right..!!?? OK, let it be.. I don't care..

Baicao (angrily) (trying to remove) : leave me..!!

Tinghao (camly) (with teary eyes) : baicao, please... Trust me.. I didn't cheat on you. Whatever you saw.. It's not the way you are thinking... There is nothing between me and her...

Baicao (angrily) : stop..!! How can you act this much..!! Yeah.. I trust you.. Believe you.. But not now.. Because it was my mistake that I trusted you.. You are just a lier..!

She forcefully removed his hand.

Baicao (with teary eyes) (angrily) : don't you even dare to come in front of my eyes. I don't want to see your face again.

She go away from there. Tinghao was also angry. He went to his home. Then he entered into his room. Forcefully shut the door. It made a loud sound. He started throwing everything here there. He was too frustrated.

Tinghao (angrily) (frustrated) : I don't know why you don't believe me..!!?? You can believe everyone except me. You can care for anyone except me. In front of you I am nothing.. How many times I have said you believe me.. But you never did it.. Why??

And here..
Baicao was also angry. Xiaoying gets worried after seeing her.

Xiaoying (worried) : baicao.. What happened?? Are you fine??

Baicao (calmly) : Xiaoying, please I don't wanna talk with you right now. Leave me alone.

Xiaoying (worried) : but...

Baicao went into her room and shut the door. She sits on the ground and started crying loudly.

Baicao (crying) (angrily) : you cheat on me..!! You don't love me. You played game with me.. Why?? I thought you love me... But no.. That guy was saying the truth.. I didn't believe him.. But today... Aaahh.. You are such a cheater..!! I hate you..!!

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