Part 22

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After an hour...
Baicao went into song bai. Whole song bai was decorated beautifully. Baicao gets surprised. She saw that everyone was standing there. Xiaoying went near her.

Xiaoying (smiling) : happy birthday, silly.

Baicao (smiling) : you remember this..!!

Xiaoying (smiling) : how can I forget it?? Look not only me whole song bai knows that today is your birthday.

Baicao looked toward them with a smile.

Everyone (together) : happy birthday, baicao.

Baicao (smiling) : thank you so much.

Everyone was enjoying too much.
At night..
Baicao was in the balcony. Looking at the moon. Suddenly her phone ringed. She picked up the call.

Person (smiling) : hey, miss beauty... What are you doing now??

Baicao (smiling) : are you flirting with me??

Person (smiling) : why do you think that??

Baicao (smiling) : why do you call me miss beauty??

Person (smiling) : because you are really that. By the way, how was your day today??

Baicao (smiling) : today was very special day for me. And I will remember it as long as I am alive.

Person : wow..!! (teasing) It's looks like you enjoyed too much without me. So bad..!!

Baicao : senior ting hao..!!

So that person is Tinghao.

Tinghao : what happened??

Baicao : you are too bad. I am not gonna talk to you again.

Tinghao : hey, wait, wait, wait... I didn't mean that. Okay, I was just playing with you. Why do you take everything seriously??

Baicao : it's not. By the way, how was your day??

Tinghao : umm... Actually it was nice. My a childhood friend has came to meet me.

Baicao : your childhood friend..!! Who is that??

Tinghao : her name is lemma...

Baicao : lemma...!! (with jealously) it's seems your friend is a girl.

Tinghao (teasing) : are you feeling jealous??

Baicao : not at all...

Tinghao (teasing) : really..?? By the way, I will go on a dinner with her today.

Baicao (angrily) : you....!! Leave it... I don't care.

Tinghao (teasing) : your voice is sounding like you are so angry.

Baicao : not at all. I am not angry. I know you are saying that to make me feel jealous.

Tinghao : you are right. But if I say truly then I am really going on a dinner with her.

Baicao (feeling jealous) : Okay... But maintain some distance from her. Otherwise I won't leave you.

Tinghao (teasing) : are you threating me??

Baicao (with a fake smile) : yeah, you are right.

She hang out the call.

Tinghao : ohhh..!! It's seems she became so angry. I was just teasing her. (smiling) but it was good that she became jealous after hearing her name.

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