Part 8

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Next day...
In the morning...
Baicao gets awake and made ting yi's favorite soup and leaves for fang mansion. After a while she reached there and knocked the door. After sometime someone opened the door.

Person (happily) : you here...

Baicao (smiling) : yeah senior ting yi.

Person (smiling) : come in.

Baicao : okay.

She went inside and put the box on the table.

Baicao : today I made your favorite soup so that I came here to give it to you.

Ting yi (smiling) : really??

Baicao : yeah.

Then ting yi went toward the box and opened it.

Ting yi : it's looking delicious.

Baicao : hope you like it.

Ting yi : I would love it.

Baicao : senior ting yi where is senior ting hao?? Is he fine??

Ting yi : yeah he is fine. But why are you asking this??

Baicao : because (in mind) : should I tell it to senior ting yi??

Ting yi : what are you thinking??

Baicao : nothing... I asked because...

Ting yi : because...

Baicao (lying) : because I didn't meet with him from some days that's why.

Ting yi : ooo... Then why don't you go to him and meet with him??

Baicao : What?? But if he gets angry then??

Ting yi : ohh... Baicao you are really that much afraid of brother??

Baicao : no... It's not like that.

Ting yi : then go...

Baicao (hesitating) : o.. Okay..

Then she slowly slowly went ting hao's room and knocked the door. But no one opened the door. So she again knocked the door but again happened the same.

Baicao (thinking) : why he isn't opening the door??

Suddenly her eyes fall on the door. It was little opened. She slowly slowly opened the door and looked toward the room. There was no one in his room.

Baicao : where is he??

Then she went inside the room at the same time ting hao also came out from the bathroom. After seeing him she immediately turns opposite side while screaming. As he came from shower so he was wearing just a towel.

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