Part 5

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Next day....
At fang mansion...
Ting Hao and ting yi was having their breakfast.

Ting yi : brother.

Ting hao : hmm...

Ting yi : I want to ask you something.

Ting hao : ask.

Ting yi : you really don't love baicao now??

After hearing this ting hao stopped eating.

Ting hao : why are you asking this??

Ting yi : no... I just want to know.

Ting hao : I already told you so many times.

Ting yi : but you are not saying the truth.

Ting hao (frustrated) : ting yi I know that you like her now. Every misunderstanding between you two gets clear. But now I am tired to go behind her.

Ting yi : I know but can you please leave feng yun hall. Please don't go their again.

Ting hao : no it can't happen.

Ting yi (sadly) : I know you will not leave that hall. You don't love me now.

Ting hao : ting yi there are nothing like that. You are my own sister. Why will I not love you?? I love you. I can do anything for you but don't say anything which I can't do.

Then he went his room.

At afternoon...
In song bai...
After practice baicao was sitting on the bench. Then Chang an went near her.

Baicao (silently) : coach you here....

Chang an : Yeah. Why are you looking sad?? The one who look sad it's me. Isn't it??

Baicao (sadly) : coach I am really sorry for hurting you.

Chang an : hey... Now don't be sad. I am not mad at you. And yes I won't force you to love me. It's your choice. I love you and I always do.

Baicao (smiling) : thanks coach for understanding me. Okay now I go. See you tomorrow. Bye.

Chang an : bye.

Then she went from there.
At baicao's home...
She went her home and sit beside Xiaoying.

Xiaoying : hey baicao did you talked with coach??

Baicao : What about??

Xiaoying : oh... How can you forget?? I am talking about coach's proposal.

Baicao : yeah. I am glad that coach understand me.

Xiaoying : hmm... Hey wait...

Baicao : What??

Then Xiaoying came with a gift.

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