Part 27

121 18 6

Everyone (shocked) - baicao..!!!!
And here...
The one who was standing in front of Tinghao it was no one then baicao.

Ting Hao (worried) - Baicao..!!

Yuexi - (angrily) now it's enough.

She point the gun toward Tinghao. Suddenly baicao's eyes fall on her. She gets shocked.

Baicao (worried) - senior ting hao..

Then yuexi was about to shoot but baicao run toward Tinghao and stands in front of her. So, the bullet hits her.

Baicao (painfully) - aaaa..

Tinghao (worried) - Baicao...

Flashback ends..
Baicao gets faint and about to fall but Tinghao grabbed her. He sits down on his knees. Chen Zhou smiled. Suddenly a police officer came near him. Chen Zhou gets surprised.

Officer - arrest him...

Two officers arrested chen zhou. Yuexi also gets arrested by them. And took them in the car.
And here...
Everyone gathered there. Tinghao was holding her. His hand became red because of blood.

Tinghao - (worried) (patting her cheeks) - baicao, open your eyes. Baicao..

Xiaoying - (crying) baicao....

Rubai (worried) - let's take her hospital first.

Chang an - (worried) yeah..

Tinghao took her in his arm and walked toward the car. He made her lay in the car. Xiaoying also went inside the car. Baicao's head was on Xiao Ying's lap. Tinghao drives the car. Rubai was beside him.

Xiaoying - (crying) baicao, open your eyes. Please, baicao..

Rubai - (worried) don't cry, Xiaoying.

Tinghao was so much worried. Even tears was falling down from his cheek.
On the other hand..
Chang an, Yi Feng, Guang ya and ting yi was in a another car.

Guang ya (crying) - please, god... Save baicao.. Please...

Ting yi (consoling) - don't cry, Guang ya.

After a while..
They reached at the hospital. Doctor took her to the operation room immediately.
Xiaoying was totally broken. She sits on the chair starts crying. Guang ya sits beside her. She was trying to console her.

Ting Hao - (trying to not cry) I... I.... I am.. Going out...

Ting yi gets worried for him. Ting Hao leaves from there.

Ting yi (worried) - brother...

She also follows him.
Then Tinghao came out from the hospital. Ting yi also came out. Ting hao was broken from inside. But he don't wants to show it to anyone. Ting yi went near him.

Ting yi - (worried) brother...

Tinghao - (trying to not cry) I am fine ting yi. You should go there. Xiaoying needs you.

Ting yi (sadly) - what about you?

Tinghao (with teary eyes) : me what?

Ting yi - (worried) brother, I know about your condition. You aren't fine at all. Why are you hiding your emotions?

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