Part 18

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After a while she reached at song bai. And started practicing.
While practicing she was so happy. She had a simile in her face. Xiaoying went near her.

Xiaoying : you are looking so happy. What happened??

Baicao : nothing....

Xiaoying : really??

Baicao : hm.....

Xiaoying (teasing) : something must happened. Tell me what happened??

Baicao : I will tell you later.

Xiaoying : ooookay....

Baicao again started practicing. After there practice....
Baicao and Xiaoying were sitting outside of song bai....

Xiaoying : baicao, you were going to tell me something. What was it??

Baicao (slyly) : Xiaoying I like someone....

Xiaoying (exited) : whom??

Baicao : you know him well.

Xiaoying : who?? Senior Tinghao??

Baicao (slyly) : Actually......... Yess......

Xiaoying (stunned) : what!! (with a big smile) you are so silly. I know from the beginning.

Baicao : how??

Xiaoying : because from some days I have been noticing that you have something for him. I also said it but you weren't accepting this. (with a smile) but look I was right. (proudly) after all I am your best friend and I know you more than everyone.

Baicao (smiling) : yeah.... (pulling her checks) That's why you are my cute, silly and naughty best friend.

Xiaoying (childishly) : you are calling me naughty!! Baicao.....

Baicao : because you are so naughty.

Xiaoying : Qi Baicao.....

Both started running.
At night.....
Baicao was lying down on her bed thinking about Tinghao. She was smiling slyly. Suddenly her phone vibrate. She took the phone. There was a massage. It was from Tinghao.
Hey, miss beautiful.... Are you thinking about me??

Baicao (in mind) : how did he get to know that I was thinking about him??

Then she massaged him.
No, I am not thinking about you.
Massage from Tinghao...
Really?? But I am missing you so much.
Massage from baicao...
But we meet in the morning. Right??
Massage from Tinghao...
Yeah.... But still it has been a long time.
Massage from baicao...
Massage from Tinghao...
Look you came in my home in the morning and now night. So it has been so many hours since we didn't meet.
Massage from baicao...
Yeah... That's true. But why didn't you slept??
Massage from Tinghao...
I also can ask you the same question. Why didn't you slept??
Massage from baicao...
I will sleep now. Goodnight...
Massa from Tinghao...
Okay goodnight...

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