Part 11

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After some minutes a waitress came and serve them food. Then they started eating. Suddenly ting hao came with a idea. He was pouring some wine in his glass but suddenly some wine falls on baicao's dress.

Ting hao (acting) : ohh... Sorry...

Baicao : it's okay.

Then she stands...

Baicao : senior ting yi I am coming.

Ting yi : Okay.

Then she went in the washroom. Then ting hao also stands.

Ting hao : ting yi I am going washroom.

Ting yi : you also.

Ting hao : hmm... Emergency...

Ting yi : o... Okay.

Then he also went washroom.
Baicao : you here...

Ting hao : hmm... Yeah... Do you have any problem??

Saying this he starts walking toward her. She was stepping backward.

Baicao (nervously) : no... I don't have.

Ting hao : are you scared??

Baicao (nervously) : no... I am not.

Suddenly the wall came behind her and she stopped.

Ting hao : really??

Baicao (scared) : ye...yeah...

Ting hao : I don't think so. Because your voice is sounding like you are scared. That means I said right.

Baicao : no... It's not. I am not at all scared.

Then she was about to go but suddenly ting hao puts his hand and blocked her way.

Baicao : uff... What is your problem?? Let me go.

Ting hao (went more close to her face) : what will you do if I not let you go??

Baicao (nervously) : I... I...

Ting hao : what you mean by "I... I..."?? That means you are scared.

Baicao : no...

Ting hao : prove it then...

Saying this he starts leaning toward her lips. Baicao gets scared. He was about to touch his lips with her but before could baicao again kicked his feet. At the same time he gets back.

Ting hao (painfully) : Aaahh... Ouch... You again kicked on my feet. Aaahh....

Baicao : you deserve it. Huh...

Then she went from there.

Ting hao (painfully) : this girl... Uff... (in a cried voice) aaahh... My feet.

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