Part 28

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[A/N : this part is quite long. And I didn't wrote any long parts till today like this part😅 hope you all won't feel bored while reading this part. Happy reading]

After two days..
Baicao was still in hospital. She was getting recovering soon. Xiaoying helps her to walk. Ting yi also comes to meet her.
Present scene...
Baicao was sitting on the bed. Xiaoying was beside her.

Xiaoying - baicao, from the time you woke up you looked sad. Why? Please, tell me the reason. Is anything troubling you?

Baicao - no, Xiaoying. It's not.

Xiaoying - then what's the reason behind your sadness?

Baicao - I am not sad Xiaoying. Don't worry about me. I am just little frustrated.

Xiaoying - why?

Baicao (sadly) - because I misunderstood senior ting hao. He don't have any fault. But I was just too fool that I didn't believe him. These all are happened just because of my foolishness. I really deserves all this.

Xiaoying - (sadly) please, don't be sad, baicao. Whatever happens forgot all these.

Baicao (sadly) - I am trying but I can't. Maybe now he is mad at me. That's why he didn't even came to meet me once.

Xiaoying - baicao, it's not. Did you remember that day you said him to not come in front of you. Maybe that's why he didn't came. You have to go to him.

Baicao - yes..

Suddenly someone knocked at the door. Then Xiaoying opened the door. It was lemma. She went inside. She has a flower

Lemma - (smiling) hi baicao! How are you, now?

Baicao - (smiling) hi! I am fine now.

Lemma - that's awesome.

Baicao smiles.
Next day..
Baicao gets release from hospital. Now she is fully fine.
At night..
Tinghao was at the same place where earlier he used to take baicao. He was standing there. Fresh air was blowing. He was looking at the stars. Then he turns and gets surprised. Baicao was standing there. She walked toward him.

Tinghao - you here!!!

Baicao - yess... (silently) you didn't come to meet me once that's why I thought to meet you.

Tinghao - huh!! I mean like really you are saying this!! I can't believe. The one who said to stay away from her and now she herself came in front of me.

Baicao - (sadly) I am sorry, senior ting hao.

Ting Hao - just a sorry will make everything better.

Baicao looked directly at his eyes.

Baicao - (with teary eyes) senior ting hao, please forgive me for my all deeds.

Ting Hao (clamly) - you know what baicao... Now I really don't want this relationship between you and me.

Baicao (shocked) - but why?

Ting Hao (clamly) - because now I don't want to continue it. It's really hard for us to stay together. You didn't trust me. Now it's because you get to know the truth that I didn't cheat on you. Otherwise you would have been stay mad at me.

Suddenly baicao hugged him tightly.
Baicao (crying) - please, senior ting hao, just give me one chance. I promise I won't do any stupidity. Please...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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