Part 12

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Ting yi starts finding baicao. She found everywhere but she couldn't find baicao.

Ting yi (irritate) : uff... Baicao... Where did you gone??

Xiaoying : senior ting yi...

Ting yi : hmm...

Guang ya : it's seems like it's too hard to find baicao.

Ting yi : it's seems so... But I am also fang ting yi. I am not going to lose from anyone not even qi baicao.

Guang ya : yeah... We all know that.

Suddenly there was a power cut. Everyone starts shouting.

Ting yi (shouting) : no... No... No.. It can't happen. I can't stay in this darkness. Aaa....

Guang ya : now please stop shouting. But where are you??

Ting yi : I am here but where are you??

Guang ya : I am here too. But where is Xiaoying??

Xiaoying : I am here.

Ting yi : really??

Xiaoying : yeah...

Guang ya : is anyone have phone??

Ting yi (while checking her pocket) : no I don't have.

Guang ya : shit... I also doesn't have. Xiaoying...

Xiaoying : my phone is in my room.

Ting yi (irritate) : aahh... Are you both brainless?? Why don't you keep phone with you??

Guang ya : what about you??

Ting yi : Okay... I accept I am also brainless. Now please find a way.

Guang ya : wait I am searching my phone. Maybe it is near.

Then Guang ya slowly slowly takes her step forward. Suddenly she starts screaming in pain. Because she gets hit with a table.

Guang ya (painfully + screaming) : it's seems that I got stuck in a big problem. Aaahh...

After hearing her scream...

Ting yi & Xiaoying (together) : what happened??

Then they were about go near Guang ya but suddenly both gets hit with each other and falls on each other. Xiaoying was on ting yi. Both were screaming. At the same time the lights gets on. And baicao also enters there at the same time. After seeing them like this she gets shocked.

Baicao (shocked) : why are you all laying on the floor??

Ting yi : Xiaoying... You please get up from me. Because you are so overweight. Please... Otherwise I will surely die.

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