Part 4

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Baicao was still standing there. On the other side, everyone was waiting for her.

Xiaoying : Why is baicao isn't coming yet??

Chang an : I think you should go and check that she came or not.

Xiaoying : okay.

Xiaoying went from there. And comes near the gate. She saw that baicao was standing there. She goes near her.

Xiaoying : baicao why are you standing here??come.

Baicao : Okay.

Both starts walking.

Xiaoying : wait.

Both stops.

Baicao : why??

Suddenly Xiaoying puts her hand on baicao's eyes.

Baicao : hey what are you doing??

Xiaoying : nothing. Just come with me.

Then Xiaoying takes her to everyone. She removed her hand from her eyes. There is a beautiful cake.

Everyone : surprise

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Everyone : surprise.

Baicao gets surprised also happy.

Baicao (surprised) : this all...

Chang an : congratulations baicao.

Baicao (happily) : Thank you coach.

Chang an : now cut the cake.

Baicao (smiling) : hmm...

On the other side, ting hao was going to take her car from the parking area but suddenly he realised something....

Ting hao : ohh... My phone.

He again went inside the restaurant to get his phone. Suddenly his eyes fall on baicao and Chang an. He was feeding cake baicao. Seeing this he gets angry as well as jealous. In anger he fist his hand. Then a boy comes near him.

Boy : sir how can I help you??

Ting hao : Actually I left my phone here.

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