The Hunt

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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



Hospital Ward
1255 Hours

Liv was sitting on a chair near a hospital room, her face showing visible worry for both (Y/n) and Lucia. Lee occupied the seat beside her, sitting with his arms crossed, still having the calm stoic expression.

(Y/n) was leaning onto a wall opposite from the two, his hands on his pockets. His wounded arm now had a bandage wrapping all around the affected area. He was looking straight down to the ground, patiently waiting for Lucia's diagnostics results.

Military personnel and Constructs alike were walking past, but their presence wasn't enough to break the tense atmosphere looming around them.

The door of the ward where Lucia was currently at suddenly opened, revealing a middle-aged man wearing a lab coat came out.

(Y/n) perked up and approached the man. "How is she?"

"Her condition is stable, and there is no sign of the Punishing Virus in her, so there's no need to worry." The doctor answered, much to their relief.

"Okay. Thank you." (Y/n) replied.

The doctor excused himself, leaving the three on their own devices. (Y/n) went inside the room as Liv and Lee followed suit.

There, they saw Lucia sitting on the bed. She turned her gaze towards them and smiled a bit.

"How are you feeling?" (Y/n) asked.

"I'm fine, Commandant." Lucia said. "It's all thanks to you."

Lucia felt... odd. Their previous Commanders treated them as nothing like a toy - expendable battle bots, scrapped or abandoned once their purpose was served.

She knew that fact, and had already accepted that it will be her fate sometime in the future, but having someone like him caring for a Construct like her was a nice feeling for her.

"No need to thank me. I'm just doing my job as your Commandant." (Y/n) said. "You are my responsibility."

"You still owed us an explanation, Commandant." Lee interupted. "How did you get your ability?"

(Y/n) sighed. "Ever heard of Omega project?"

"Yes." Liv interjected. "It's the special course where certain students were chosen for a specific role, right?"

"Correct." (Y/n) said. "However, students that have special abilities such as myself go through a rigorous training in combat, demolitions, maintenance, and logistics. But, due to my ability, I mainly focused on medical and nursing. Usually hundreds of students that have special abilities were chosen in this project, but as few as ten would be chosen in the finals."

Liv nodded. "I see..."

"How did you get your ability?" Lucia added.

"I... don't know, actually." (Y/n) shook his head. "They just said that I got my special ability when I was born. Any other information about the project is classified."

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