Can You Be Mine, Commandant? Just This Once? [Special Chapter]

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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



Babylonia - Outside The Command Center
Commander (Y/n) "Ranger" Schmitt - Gray Raven
1730 Hours

The experiences of being a commander of a Consturct squad varies between people. Some would find it hard, others would say it sucks and miserable because of the paperworks that have piled up so much that they pretty much reach the ceiling, but there are also the ones who are after the fame, or find nothing but thrill and excitement of being one and not at all care about their status. And there are also the ones that genuinely want to taste what it feels like to live in the surface of the Earth in its glory days and work hard to bring it back, doing whatever it takes to eliminate the Punishing Virus, even at the cost of their own lives.

"Commandant, please have a date with me!" One of the girls pleaded.

"No, me!" The girl beside her argued.

(Y/n) Schmitt is among these commanders, and unfortunately, the man almost can't catch a break as his unwanted fame causes him to be a center of attention at very unexpected moments, just like the predicament he was currently in. Well, that's to be expected with the commander who went toe-to-toe with Alpha in multiple occasions, clashed with Gabriel, one of the heavy hitters of the Ascendants, with only a steel chair and metal tube, and almost killing Roland on an encounter. But these feats weren't done without the help of his team, and they just had a really good amount of luck.

He was on his way back to his dorm as he came from his recent search and destroy mission back in Sector 157, formally known as Missouri, and in the next moment he got surrounded by fangirls — some are even new Commandants who just finished their training and happened to idolize him — like pigeons that flocked around an old lady sitting on a bench while throwing small pieces of the bread to the ground. In this case, they wanted to take his picture and autograph, with some even attempting to steal his first kiss, a move in which he simply avoided, but a certain Construct wielding a crimson blade did not approve it the slightest.

The sudden shift of events have caught the attention of both civilians and military personnel nearby, but had already been caught in the phenomenon called the "bystander effect", an event where the inhibiting influence of the presence of others on a person's willingness to help someone in need. And unfortunately for the man, it's already in full effect.

In the corner across the hallway, Lucia was watching her commander who was struggling to hold back the girls with what could only be described as the 'yandere stare', where one would stare at their beloved man with jealousy with a dead expression alongside a shadow looming over their eyes. In addition to her jealousy, her fury had caused her to let out a terrifying aura and grip the wall so hard that she practically cracked and dented it, scaring the other poor Constructs and human personnel who were unfortunate to pass by.

"Commandant, please sign this poster!" One of the commanders held out her poster, which is of course a picture of him topless, showing off his muscular torso, as he deadlifts 500 lbs of plates.

"Mine too, Commandant!" Another one showed her own poster as well, but this time, it's a collage of (Y/n) doing bicep curls, push-ups with a large stack of weight plates strapped on his back, pull-ups, and curl-ups.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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