The Journey Begins

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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



(A/n): Back from the grave! I apologize for the late update.


Command Center
1700 Hours

Tap here, tap there. The sound of clicking keyboards and constant chatter of the intelligence and logistics crews resonated around the Command Center, just like every day.

Gray Raven was waiting for Hassen and Celica's arrival on the far corner of the room.  Lucia, who was holding a paper - presumably a battle report on their mission, was sitting with Lee and Liv on a bench.

(Y/n) was with them, though he didn't sit with them and instead leaned against the wall. He was not in the mood to sit, and it was probably for the best as not to make the Gray Raven uncomfortable.

The three Constructs thought that he was probably distancing himself away from them because of what happened with the past commanders they've been assigned with. They were having a hard time trusting their current commander, and they have judged him too early, already thinking that maybe he's just like them.

But, they were wrong. (Y/n)'s different.

He actually cared for his team, even treating Lucia's wound even though it would reveal his ability to them. His ability to heal was indeed outstanding, but it was a double-edged sword. His powers was beneficial to those he healed, but in return, their wounds were transferred to himself, which worried them greatly, especially Liv, since (Y/n) was using it without hesitation.

Another factor that improved their relationship is that he's not a coward that hides behind the constructs as they battle through hordes of Corrupted. Instead, he takes up the lead and fearlessly charges forward, like how a proper commander should act.

"C-Commandant?" Liv called out.

(Y/n) turned towards her. "Is there something you need?"

Liv stood up and approached him. "I just want to say... thank you."

"For what?" (Y/n) asked, slightly taken aback. Liv was scared at him back then, but she's talking to him now.

"For looking out for us." Liv answered. "And... thank you for taking care of Lucia from... her. If we arrived sooner, then I could've-"

"Hey, stop it." (Y/n) cut her off. "Don't beat yourself about it. I was only doing my job as a Commander."

Liv frowned at his response. "But..."

(Y/n) smiled and patted her head, causing her to blush. She doesn't hate it, she was just surprised from the gesture since it's her first time getting a headpat from someone. It made her feel... accepted and safe.

Lucia saw what (Y/n) was doing and smiled, though she suddenly felt an overwhelming feeling looming around her. She was angry? Or perhaps... jealous? But why would she get jealous of a single headpat?

'No! Snap out of it, Lucia! This is not like you!' Lucia diverted her attention away from the two.

Lee simply watched the scene unfold, and couldn't help but smile. He was happy that Liv was finally out of her shell, expressing her true feelings to someone she can trust other than him or Lucia.

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