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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



Two Hours Ago...

Unknown Location
0714 Hours

A grey-haired man is leaning against the wall, looking at his gun with a smile on his face. He had a silver hair with yellowish gold strands sticking out on the front, grey right eye, and a black eye on the left with a bright red iris, which is one of his most notable features next to the bar code underneath his left eye. He wore a coat with a mix of grey and black, black pants, and a pair of black boots.

 He wore a coat with a mix of grey and black, black pants, and a pair of black boots

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"Roland." A voice calls out to him.

The man, now identified as Roland, turns to where the voice came from and saw a tall figure walking towards him. The said figure is much more taller than Roland himself. He wore a black fedora hat which had a bar code on the front, and his face is covered with a light gray metal mask of some sorts. His outfit consisted of a gray cape-like cloth, which had visible tears and wears, a black shirt underneath, black pants, and black boots.

 His outfit consisted of a gray cape-like cloth, which had visible tears and wears, a black shirt underneath, black pants, and black boots

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"Miss Luna is already here. Are you all ready?" Gabriel continued.

"Of course! I've even left a little gift for our guests from Babylonia." Roland replied.

"You're playing around again." Gabriel remarked.

"We all have our passions, do we not, Mr. Gabriel? I just don't have such a lofty and delicate one like yours." Roland added. "Machines, Constructs, humans, Punishing Virus, whatever comes of this ragged doll of a world, I have no interest. I exist to protect Miss Luna and ensure her wishes are fulfilled. That's all."

"..." Gabriel said nothing.


Hundreds of Corrupted gathered in front of a girl who's sitting on a throne, watching them with the look of boredom in her face. The Corrupted's cries and groans continued to echo across the room, yet the girl remained unfazed. Roland soon appeared and stood beside her, amused at the sight of begging Corrupted.

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