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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



The Next Day...

Babylonia - Science Department - Weapons Development Division
Commander (Y/n) "Ranger" Schmitt - Gray Raven
0800 Hours

"What you're seeing right now is the MJOLNIR Armor, Commandant." Asimov, the head scientist of the Science Council, introduced the new equipment beside him.

" Asimov, the head scientist of the Science Council, introduced the new equipment beside him

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Asimov is a man with black hair and red eyes, and had an average build. He wears a white robe, and from the way his attire looked, once could mistake that he's a high-ranking officer in the military.

 He wears a white robe, and from the way his attire looked, once could mistake that he's a high-ranking officer in the military

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"And yes, before you say it, we took inspiration from the game 'Halo' back from the Golden Age." Asimov continued. "It has all the technology a MJOLNIR Armor usually has — an inner skinsuit that controls the suit's temperature and actively changes how the suit fits the user, hydrostatic gel, a gel layer that regulates the temperature of the suit and can re-actively change its density to conform to the wearer's shape, a HUD, and an energy shield that can withstand various types of attacks but will still drain its energy. However, it will regenerate of you give it enough time. There are more other features, but I will not bother on explaining it."

"Finally, after all these years, you finally made my childhood dream come true!" (Y/n) beamed up.

"A kid in a grown up's body." Asimov said. "This is still a prototype. And I'm telling you, this thing is expensive as hell. The cost to produce one of these is equivalent to five to seven space fighters." Asimov emphasized the cost. "Not to mention that we have tons of Commandants to issue this thing."

'I would be in debt if I funded this...' (Y/n) thought in dread.

"The reason why I'm showing you this is because I want you to be our test subject for this armor. After learning the existence of the Ascendants, the science council quickly sought something that could help us combat the threat. One game nerd scientist recommended this armor, so we gave it a shot." Asimov explained. "We ran it through simulations, and this had the most promising results by far. However, it is yet to to be tested in the field to determine its true effectiveness."

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