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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



Babylonia - Training Grounds
Commander (Y/n) "Ranger" Schmitt - Gray Raven
1905 Hours

(Y/n) ducks behind a barrel as an arrow flew past his head and pierced the ground a few feet away from him. He returned the favor and fired short burts with his weapon, now forcing Bianca to hide behind a concrete wall. She's quick, he'll give her that.

The two are going at this back and forth for almost twenty minutes, and neither side plans on backing down. Arrows and rubber bullets were flying in the air, flying towards their respective targets, shot after shot. The crowd watched, impressed with their Top Gun keeping up with one of the most hyperlethal Constructs Babylonia has to offer. There's no surprise in that, since he himself is given the hyperlethal designation, and is one of the few human soldiers to be given that title since Constructs mostly get that designation.

(Y/n) grabbed his last grenade and threw it towards Bianca's hiding spot. Bianca quickly got out of her cover and shot an arrow towards it, hitting it right in the center.


The grenade exploded, sending shrapnel everywhere. He has his last magazine on his SMG, and he's also down to his last pistol mag. He only has one option left.

"Ah, fuck it." He said, and sprinted to the archer, reloading his MP5 on the way.

Bianca saw the obvious move and aimed at a non-lethal area, and released her arrow. (Y/n) dodged to the side. Another arrow was launched. He dodged again. Bianca charged up her bow, and a small glimmer of light was emitting from it, and (Y/n) quickly realised what is coming. He waited for her to attack, and when the light faded out, he rolled to the side, dodging a bunch of homing arrows which hit the area he was previously at.

At the same time, he got into a perfect position after the move he pulled — right in front of Bianca. He aimed his SMG at her, but no bullet came out. He looked at his weapon, confused, then saw arrows piercing his gun, mainly in the firing mechanism.

He tossed the MP5 to the side and took out his M1911. He shot at her multiple times, but she would only block the rubber bullets with her bow. Legs, chest, head, wherever he would aim at, it would always get blocked by her, until he ran out of bullets.

Not giving her a chance to strike back, he threw the pistol to the same direction where his MP5 was at and grabbed his combat knife and ran to Bianca. She pulled the string as an arrow manifested, but it was already too late. (Y/n) was already within striking range and weaved to her right, throwing off her aim.


Bianca managed to avoid a reverse grip diagonal slash. She jumped in the air and went for an axe kick, in which the Ranger quickly dodged, knowing just how dangerous that kick is. He looked at the aftermath of the attack, and saw that the ground was slightly cracked due to the force of the hit, then thanked himself for dodging that.

(Y/n) then hurled his knife at Bianca, with the former blocking the knife with her bow, which dug on the area which allows the generation of energy-based arrows. Sparks of electricity began to appear, indicating the damage he caused. Jackpot.

"So, care to settle this in an old fashioned way?" (Y/n) asked her as he cracked his knuckles and got into a Boxing stance.

Bianca smiled softly, setting her now inoperable bow to the side. She also got into her own combat stance, which is similar to that of Muay Thai. "Very well."

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