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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



(Y/n) went in front of Lucia and got into a defensive stance, aiming his rifle directly at the unknown individual's head. "Just who are you?! Identify yourself!"

Instead of answering, the unknown 'Construct' continued to advance, the red lightning sparks continuing to emit as she had fully drawn her blade, its structure covered with the same red sparks.

Seeing that she is a threat, (Y/n) moved his finger towards the trigger and fired off several shots, but the white-haired girl had disappeared before the bullets made contact, surprising him and Lucia.

'What the...' (Y/n) looked around for any signs of the girl, but came out empty-handed.

He suddenly noticed a figure speeding past them from the right blinding speeds, promting him to aim towards the direction where the blur came from.

Another blur sped past from the right as (Y/n) swiveled towards the said direction. It was an attempt to distract him and Lucia, and that will make them a vulnerable target if she succeded to make an opening.

However, (Y/n) knew what she was planning. He lowered his rifle and closed his eyes, using his exceptional hearing to focus on the noises coming from all around.

It was silent. Very silent. The sound of passing blur had completely gone, and Lucia couldn't detect the unknown girl's signal either. It could easily be assumed that the unknown girl had already retreated.


'There!' With a swift motion, (Y/n) grabbed his karambit and blocked a crimson red sword from above, throwing of small sparks in the process.

For a split second, the unknown girl's red eyes came in contact into his (E/c) orbs before she jumped away, landing a few meters away from them.

"Bet you are good with your hands." She remarked in a rather teasing manner.

"I'll hold my own with you." (Y/n) shot back, slinging his rifle into his back. He pulled out his pistol on his right, while he held his karambit on the left.

"Then let's get rough." The unknown 'Construct' said with a smirk, getting herself into a battle stance.

Lucia, who now recovered from the effects of whatever the 'Construct' did to her earlier, wasted no time and rushed towards her opponent with great speed, ready to slash the white-haired girl.

Lucia swung her blade at her neck, but the white-haired girl easily blocked the attack and shrugged it off like nothing.

Taking advantage of the girl's attention being diverted to Lucia, (Y/n) lunged forward and pressed the trigger, firing shot after shot of the Desert Eagle.

With quick reaction, the unknown 'Construct' deflected all the bullets with her sword and ran towards (Y/n) at full speed.

(Y/n) blocked her attack with his knife and aimed the pistol at her, but she managed to jump away before he could fire a shot.

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