Iron Maiden

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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



Sector 27 - Southern Area Outskirts
1140 Hours

"This is boring..." Was the words that came out of (Y/n)'s mouth as he lets out a sigh.

A couple of hours had already passed since their landing in this sector, and according to Liv, they were already nearing the outskirts. He was completely bored, and was quite jealous that the Constructs behind him didn't feel bored at all.

Deciding to grab some chow since he was hungry, he grabbed the MRE bar from his pocket and unwrapped it before taking a bite, savoring the taste. After finishing, he drank some water and pondered what he needs to do next.

Vera already did the job that was supposed to be theirs, leaving them having nothing to do except wait, which then again, Constructs have no problem with except for him. He knows he needs to be patient, but he didn't belong to some recon squad like the Strike Hawk who waits for some shit to happen.

"Commandant." Lucia breaks the silence. "Is there something the matter?"

"No, don't worry. I'm just bored." (Y/n) answers. "Waiting for too long is just a pain in the ass for me."

"Are you really that eager to see some action?" Lee asks, a bit interested in his persona.

"You could say that..." (Y/n) remarked. "I'm not really a fan of recon missions. Not my style."

"...I see." Lee muttered.

After a few agonizing minutes of walking, the Gray Ravens finally got close to the signal source, which Lucia confirms. At this point, the signal of the Iso-Devices were getting stronger by the second.

"Hold it..." (Y/n) said.

"What's wrong, Commandant?" Liv queried.

"It's quiet." Lee immediately knew what his commander meant.

Lee was right. It was indeed quiet. Too quiet. There was no signs of Corrupted anywhere in their vicinity, and Cerberus was nowhere to be found either. The said squad would be already guns blazing right now, but no.

"The signal shows Cerberus is still on the move, and did not approach this location." Liv spoke.

"We got ahead of them...?" Lucia was confused. If they did got ahead of Cerberus, then they already have encountered the Iron Maiden by now.

"Fuck." (Y/n) cursed, realizing what was going on. "She misdirected us. Damn redhead... Now we have to go back again."

"Commamdant, this Inver-Device... Tifa took it off herself. It was broadcasting connection requests for M.I.N.D. Beacons before it was taken off, so it been like this the whole time." Liv elaborated.

(Y/n) nods in understanding. "Good thing we didn't connect to the connection request earlier, then."

"But what could possibly make a Construct take off their Inver-Devices in a place full of virus?" Liv pondered. "Commandant, I have a bad feeling about this..."

"So am I." (Y/n) said.

"Urgh..." A low, familiar growl of a Corrupted catched the attention of the squad.

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