Pest Extermination

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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



Museum Estate - Inner Courtyard
Commander (Y/n) "Ranger" Schmitt - Gray Raven
1305 Hours

"LT, I see an opening!" One of the CBRN soldiers pointed to the left. There's still Corrupted pouring in from that side, but not as much from the other side. That'll do.

"Alright, you heard him." (Y/n) said. "Let's move!"

(Y/n), as usual, took the lead and shoots every Corrupted that would cross his vision. The rest followed after as they formed a circular perimeter, making sure that every side is covered and no blind spots would be left unnoticed.

Sword slash, laser shots, and bullet pings resonated around them as they continued to shoot every Corrupted that would get near them. They continued the run and gun tactic until they reached an open area, leaving the horde behind. As they reached an open area, they noticed a large uncorrupted mechanoid fighting off the Corrupted that were trying to get it, and the Corrupted's attention were quickly drawn to it. They stopped and hid behind a wall, carefully observing it.

"That massive one... That's a combat customized heavy agricultural machine. I know these well..." Lee said.

"Righto! I mean, just look at it. It makes me want to wrestle with it!" Kamui enthusiastically remarked.

"If it comes to pure physical strength, Kamui might be able to win." Liv added.

"Really?" Kamui's energy shot up after hearing Liv's words. "That just makes me want to wrestle with it more!"

"Shh!" Jerome shuts Kamui up.

"Commandant, what do we do?" Liv called out, waiting for his orders.

"..." (Y/n) didn't reply and instead continues to observe the mechanoid.

"That was probably the mechanoid that got bound by an electromagnetic device for some reason." Kamui said.

"And you released it when you placed the devices earlier." Jerome concluded.

"It dashed into the main hall..." (Y/n) muttered.

"It's where the Corrupted signal is dense." Liv confirms.

"And it will also draw the attention of the Corrupted from both sides as well." A CBRN soldier spoke.

"Well, we're in luck! We just have to run away in the meantime." Kamui suggested.

"Commandant, I have a proposal." Lucia said.

"Go on." (Y/n) answered, his eyes still fixed on the mechanoid.

"The machine is structurally simple, but it wasn't infected by the Punishing Virus. It might have some unique technology from the estate. It we leave it, it will eventually get controlled by the virus. And a mechanoid with this prowess..."

"I get your point." (Y/n) said. "Let's get its memory once the number of Corrupted lowers."

They followed (Y/n)'s instruction. They followed the mechanoid and waited for the Corrupted's number to lessen. A few moments later, the mechanoid fell down to its knees, calling out for someone named "Emma". Its rusty body already had several holes in various areas and severed electrical wires that were giving off sparks, showing the chaos it had been through. There are still Corrupted nearby. Kamui rushed in, eliminated the enemies present with (Y/n) and the CBRN soldiers providing cover fire, and removed the memory shell. Once done, they made their escape before they would be overrun again.

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