[Interlude: The Birth of a Prodigy]

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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



Babylonia - Command Center - Briefing Room
Asimov - Science Council Head Researcher
0421 Hours

"What the fuck is this?!" Asimov lashed out at the woman who is sitting at the opposite side of the table, slamming the file labed [TOP SECRET] he was holding on the desk.

The silence of the dimly light room was broken by Asimov's sudden raised, angered voice. Asimov shot her a glare as he sat down, waiting for the woman to answer.

The woman's reaction was indifferent, not at all bothered by the anger the head scientist was giving off. Instead, she sighed, lit up her cigarette and puffed a smoke. "So you found out about it."

Asimov's eye twitched. "What's with that reaction?!"

It was rare for the head scientist to be pissed off like this, especially since he always looks tired and doesn't give a damn about anything besides his science researches. The woman did expect that she would get this reaction, so this wasn't much of a surprise.

"Where did you get this file?" The woman asked.

"I have my sources." Asimov replied. "Now, explain this."

"Asimov. Asimov. Asimov." The woman said to him. "Do you know what our... experiment would bring? Power. Strength! Hell, maybe even peace. We can finally get rid of this Punishing Virus once and for all. Are you not happy with that? We can finally have a weapon to cleanse the world."

"Don't you dare try to convince me with that bullshit." Asimov replied. "This Omega Project you're so proud of. Does the president know about this? You experimented on a substance that is completely unknown to the Science Council and to the Armed Forces as well."

The woman puffed another smoke. "The President does, but the Armed Forces don't. Yet. We're planning on telling them, but not today."

"The President? Why didn't he..." Asimov sighed in irritation. "You experimented with the Punishing Virus and made a variant of it to inject onto the so called 'genetically gifted' babies. They're still babies, and you placed such hazardous substances on them."

"..." The woman stayed silent.

"Have you even thought of what might happen if those 'augmentations' failed? What if you just made another disease? And given the size of Babylonia, you might've just as well fucked the remaining numbers of humanity up." Asimov added.

The woman chuckled, now directly facing Asimov. "Coming from the man who assisted — leading, even — the Construct Program that involved children. Having their consciousness transferred to a system while their biological bodies are replaced with mechanical ones."


"Compared to what you did with the Constructs, the Omega Project, I would say, is more... okay. Who knows, you might've forced some children and brainwashed them while they were being turned into combat droids."

"Don't patronize me. We didn't force children into becoming Constructs."

"Well, as for us... We simply injected the substance to the babies. And we made sure that the substance would continuously enhance their mental, physical, and emotional capacities as they grow. The ultimate supersoldiers." The woman elaborated. "No replacing organic parts with mechanical ones, no consciousness transfer. They retain their flesh and blood. What about you?"

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