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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



Sector 08
1122 Hours

The wind howls violently as the Gray Raven waited for the mysterious voice to emerge, all gripping their weapons tight. Liv was scanning the area for hostiles, but came out empty handed.

"Liv, got anything?" (Y/n) asked the Construct, his eyes still darting around the area.

"None." Liv replied.

"Do you think it escaped?" Lucia added.

"That would be impossible." Lee disagreed. "Even if he didn't move, we could still detect whatever this thing was. Maybe it was messing with our systems."

(Y/n) lowered his weapon after making sure that no hostiles were in sight, with the Gray Raven doing the same, albeit reluctantly.

Lee glanced at the uncomprehensible graffiti once again, trying to get a hold of what it means. "Commandant, do you understand this graffiti?"

"No." (Y/n) answered blankly.

"Good, that means you're still normal." Lee said.

(Y/n) deadpanned. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"Looks like they aren't using Construct fluids just to paint these horrid-looking graffiti, but also as a weapon." Lee went on.

Liv's eyes widened a bit. "A weapon?"

"I see what you're getting at." (Y/n) piped up. "Based on the splashes of paint from our last location, the thing that blew up the constructs are most likely made from pressurized paint."

"These bombs would cause an almost instantaneous drop in temperature after exploding, slowing down the affected targets." Lee explained further.

"It's basically an IED, but more dangerous." (Y/n) summarized.

"Seems like they're learning and evolving..." Lucia remarked.

"Indeed." Lee nodded. "They would go such disgusting lengths to fight against humanity."

"That's what makes them dangerous." (Y/n) cut in. "Even the dumbest of Corrupted could evolve if given enough time."

"Hehe... You're right... Human..." The same voice spoke.

"There it is again!" (Y/n) exclaimed, raising his weapon.

Seconds later, a gigantic figure emerged from behind, showing itself to them. It's color was mostly grey, and was a much taller mech with a rather fat figure. Its torso has four purple pipes which seemed to be bulging, and has small hose-like tubes on each shoulder. It was leaking small sparks, though it acted like it wasn't damaged at all.

"There you are!" (Y/n) immediately switched to full auto and pressed the trigger, unleashing a long burst of bullets towards it.

However, it effortlessly blocked all the bullets, swatting them them like flies. It then threw something round towards the group, prompting them to dodge. The said object exploded as it made contact with the ground, spewing paint all over.

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