The Chase

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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



Sector 16 - 1.5 Miles From Target Area
Commander (Y/n) "Ranger" Schmitt - Gray Raven
0858 Hours

"HAHAHA! Looks like I made it in time!"

A blonde individual landed nearby right after. He stood up and smiled at the group, waving his hand at them with a smile. The said individual had a blonde hair, wore a dark grey tactical jacket with neon green linings on some parts, black sweater underneath which had white lines on the sleeves, black combat gloves which covers half of his forearms, black pants, black boots, and a black headset to complete his outfit. His most notable feature is the horn-like metal protruding on the right side of his forehead.

"I finally found my way by following the distant gunfire! My pathfinding instincts saved the day!" He exclaimed gleefully, then notices Lucia and approached her. "Oh, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for the help." Lucia said. "And you are...?"

"Whaaaaaat?! Lucia, you don't remember me?! We met when we entered service!" He replied, completely bewildered that Lucia doesn't have a memory of their meeting. "You look way better than then, that's for sure!"

As the rest of the Gray Ravens walked towards them, (Y/n) heard what the blonde had said, and became quite confused as well. They've met when they entered service yet Lucia had no memory of it? And she looked way better than then? He quickly knew that something's off, but he sets that thought aside.

Lee sighed. "We sent a signal for other squads for back-up, not to chit-chat. Can you please save that for later when all the enemies are dealt with?"

"Kamui of Strike Hawk, I suppose?" (Y/n) said, catching the blonde Construct's attention.

"If it isn't the Top Gun himself!" The new arrival, Kamui, salutes (Y/n). "Kamui, tank-type Construct. Strike Hawk's number two, sir!"

"At ease, Kamui." (Y/n) said, and Kamui complied.

They suddenly heard mechanical noises, and saw the second Terrapod slowly getting back on it's feet despite the damage Kamui caused earlier. (Y/n) switched his rifle to full auto, approached the struggling Terrapod, and unloaded his entire magazine, then said some cuss words in German.

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