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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



Museum Estate - Inner Courtyard
Lucia - Gray Raven
0944 Hours

Lucia and (Y/n) kneeled behind a pillar, looking at the Corrupted ahead. It's no wonder that the virus concentration was high. The Corrupted present in the area are in the higher tier than the ones they encountered back in the Main Lobby. Lucia heard some rustling noises, and glanced at (Y/n), who was taking out the loaded mags from his tactical bag and replaced the empty ones on his vest, then stuffing the empty mags inside.

(Y/n) closed the zipper and equipped the bag once again. "There's more of them. You sure you can handle this?"

Lucia nodded. "With you watching my back, I would not be worried. Ready when you are, Commandant."

"Good. Let's do this." (Y/n) held out his gun and peeked, making sure that his body is not showing more than it should to avoid detection. He switched his rifle back to semi-automatic and waits for Lucia's signal.

Meanwhile, Lucia activates her EM camo as her body slowly begins to become transparent and blend in with the surroundings. She looked behind one last time — her Commander is still on standby, waiting for her to make the first move. She focused her attention back to the roaming Corrupted ahead, which consisted of Pilgrims, Sentrys, Ground Monitors, Protectors, Executors, and Hydraulics.

"[Lucia, you take the ones on the left side, I'll take the ones on the right. If a corrupted leaves your sector and enters mine, ignore it. The same applies to me.]" (Y/n) radioed.

"Understood." Lucia whispered, understanding what his message. Her Commander can't see her — although he probably could since she's not entirely invisible and her camo causes distortions as light bends around her, but she would gain distance and therefore harder to see. She got his message that he doesn't want to cause friendly fire and jeopardize the mission.

She approached a Pilgrim and stabs it right in its power source, taking it out. A second later, a Ground Monitor fell, and then another, and another, courtesy of (Y/n). She sneaks to a Sentry, and like earlier, aims for its power source. Moving from target to target, she racked up her kill count will still not being spotted because the Corrupted didn't pay attention to the metallic thuds at all.

"[I'm moving in. Push forward.]" (Y/n) said.

"Roger that." Lucia responded.

(Y/n) walked out from the pillar and slowly advanced, shooting at the Corrupted on the way, adding more to his tally. He kneeled behind a dead Sentry, continuing on gunning down the enemy combatants. Aim, adjust, fire. Aim, adjust, fire, and hide whenever the Corrupted faces his direction. The back and forth of Lucia stabbing and (Y/n) shooting their heads continued on for a while as the Corrupted numbers diminished as each second passed, all dropping like dead flies.

"[Lucia, there's only half of them. Let's get this done.]"

"As you wish, Commandant."



Museum Estate - Outer Courtyard
Lee - Gray Raven
0955 Hours

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