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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



Forsaken Forward Operating Base
Commander (Y/n) "Ranger" Schmitt - Gray Raven
0949 Hours


"Commandant!" Kamui calls out after successfully blocking the blade of the Musashi IX he is currently fighting.

Taking advantage of it being distracted, (Y/n) rushed in, firing his rifle in full auto, all of the shots piercing the side of its head. Kamui kicked its torso, jumped in the air, and swings his sword downwards, slicing the Musashi in half.

(Y/n) ran past Kamui and gave him a thumbs up as he continues his way to the horde of Corrupted that followed after the initial attack, attracted by the commotion. Kamui followed, but an unattended Musashi suddenly dashed in front of him, going in for an overhead slash. He stopped and raised his sword to block it, almost being brought down to his knees because of the sheer force behind the attack.

Despite this, Kamui still managed to let out a smile, slowly but surely pushing back the Musashi. "Let's dance!"

Meanwhile, the Ranger hides behind a pile of rocks as he engages in a firefight against the Corrupted Sentries. He dove back to cover, pressed the button on his side, and contacts his team members. "Raven 1 to Raven 2 to 4. What's your situation?"

"[I'm currently helping on the evacuation of the wounded Forsakens, Commandant!]" Liv responded, the sound of her Levi-guns and automatic gunfire being audible in the background.

"[I'm with Lee, Commandant! We're currently fighting two Musashi IX!]" Lucia's struggling voice reached him right after, accompanied with sword clangs and laser-like shots from Lee's energy pistols.

"Understood." (Y/n) replied. "Where's Watanabe?"

Gunshots came in the audio transmission, as well as a faint sound of what he assumes is a sword clashing against a metal object. Lee's voice came in seconds later. "[Watanabe disappeared after engaging the other Corrupted within the vicinity, Commandant!]"

"[I tried to call his attention, but— HA! *sword clash* he disappeared along the other soldiers!]" Lucia added in a strained manner.

"Got it." (Y/n) hides behind cover again to reload. He took a grenade from his belt, pressed the button, then tossed it on the Corrupted. It blew up a few seconds later, throwing sand in the air and taking a few Corrupted on its wake. "Kamui, support Lucia and Lee. Liv, rendezvous with them after you're done evacuating the others."

"[Roger.]" The mentioned Constructs acknowledged.


(Y/n) peeks from his hiding spot, shooting the Missionaries on their vital parts. He can't have them suddenly dealing electric damage among them, especially that the Forsaken soldiers are not equipped with equipment to withstand such attacks. Speaking of which, the Forsaken soldiers have engaged in the firefight as well, racking up their kills.

"Last two mags!" One of them informs the others.

"Reload them. I'll cover you." The other said.

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