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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



Museum Estate - Inner Courtyard
Commander (Y/n) "Ranger" Schmitt - Gray Raven
1028 Hours

"Kamui! Wait!" (Y/n) calls out to him, to no avail. "Verdammt!"

Lee looks at him. "What now, Commandant?"

"Lee, on me. Liv, stay here and check Lucia." (Y/n) commanded.

"But Commandant-" Lucia protested, but (Y/n) cut her off.

"Lee and I will go ahead while Liv checks your condition. I know you can still fight, but let Liv do her thing. After that, you're free to re-engage." (Y/n) explained, then glances at the male Construct. "Let's go."


Museum Estate - Inner Courtyard, Ballroom
Kamui - Strike Hawk
1030 Hours

"Hah... Hah..."

Kamui breathed heavily, as he stares down at the still smiling Roland in front of him with anger and frustration plastered on his face. The Ascendant, meanwhile, remained unbothered and calmly stares at Kamui's eyes, as if daring him to continue his fruitless attacks.

"Bastard..." Kamui uttered between his panting.

"Can't handle it anymore?" Roland taunted, twirling his chain blade, infuriating the blonde Construct. "Alright, you did indeed perform quite well for an anonymous little one. The only good dogs are the only ones that would die for their masters."

Distant rapid footsteps was soon heard by the combatants, and it was getting closer. Seconds later, lead and energy bullets alike all rained down at Roland, who clicked his tongue in annoyance as he blocks the bullets with his weapon.

"When will you get tired of that?" Roland said to the marksmen. He returned fire with his pistol, forcing (Y/n) and Lee to separate and hide behind the pillars present in the room, pellets whizzing past their heads as they run for cover.

(Y/n) retaliated, hitting Roland's shoulder. Some bullets bounced off, while some penetrated. Lee goes in as well, his shots landing on Roland's legs. The Ascendant didn't react, but it still caused him to stagger. Taking the chance, Kamui lunges forward, going in for a horizontal slash. Roland blocks it, but he was thrown up in the air due to the force of the attack.

Roland used his cable to latch onto the ceiling and swing around, throwing bombs across the area. Kamui raised his sword as a green barrier surrounded him, just in time as the bombs exploded upon contact, covering the area with a mix of black smoke and dust.

Kamui looks around for any signs of Roland. Sure enough, he heard someone landing on his side. He quickly swung his sword downwards to said direction, releasing a powerful shockwave which cleared the smoke as it streaks through the air. Roland simply sidestepped, smiling as the shockwave went past, hitting the wall behind him and cracking it.

Roland thought that he's wasting too much time here. He could take all of them here, sure, but Luna is waiting for him, and he knows that she doesn't like waiting for too long. The new carrier is already in front of him, and he only needs to put the seed in Kamui. He snapped his fingers, and the surroundings began to shake.

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