Leisure Time

559 21 9



"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



Babylonia - Command Center
Commander (Y/n) "Ranger" Schmitt - Gray Raven
1530 Hours

"Here's my written report for today's mission." (Y/n) said, handing the file to Celica.

"Good work, Commandant." Celica commended. "I'm glad that all of you are safe."

"Well, Warhammer was the one who finished Vassago off, so most of the credit belongs to them." (Y/n) said.

"Don't be so modest." Celica brushed off his words. "All of you did their part to take it down. Anyways, we have no mission for you guys today, so the Gray Raven is placed on standby. You're free to do anything in your leisure time."

"Anyways, how's Kamui?" (Y/n) checked on the Construct.

"The Science Department found no signs of corruption, and he his systems are green as well. He was allowed to roam freely, but is under surveillance." Celica explained. "Asimov is still uncertain, so he's monitoring Kamui's situation right now.

(Y/n) nodded. "I see. Thank you for the information, Celica. I'm gonna head back to my dorm, if you don't mind."

"Go ahead." Was her reply.

(Y/n) bows a bit, then leaves Celica alone.


The Next Day...

Babylonia - Command Center
Lucia - Gray Raven
0630 Hours

Lucia wanders around the Command Center, searching for her commander. She woke up a few minutes ago, and found no signs of (Y/n). He would usually be on their dormitory around this time, checking and cleaning his weapons and other stuff. However, she only found his closed cleaning kit and gun case. Feeling that something's going on, she went searching for him in the Command Center, hoping to see him there, but so far she found nothing except for the workers staring at their computers and typing away random letters on the screen.

"Are you perhaps looking for (Y/n)?" Celica's voice came from behind.

Lucia turns around and nods. "Yes. I didn't see him this morning, so I assumed that he was here."

"He went to the firing range. Sector A." Celica said. "He's probably still there."

"Thank you, Miss Celica." Lucia thanked her and exits the Command Center.


Babylonia - Firing Range - Sector A
Lucia - Gray Raven
0638 Hours





The moment Lucia entred the range, she heard gunshots echoing across the large room. She adjusts her hearing systems to muffle the sound and approached the source of the gunshots.

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