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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



Sector 20 - 60 Kilometers Away From Forsaken Forward Operating Base
Commander (Y/n) "Ranger" Schmitt - Gray Raven
1049 Hours

The mounted turret of the vehicle swivels to the left and fired a long burst towards the Sentries that were shooting at them from the top of the debris of collapsed buildings, sending a hail of .50 BMG tracer bullets, hitting the Corrupted in their center mass, it's sound barely drowning out the furious roar of the JLTV's engines. Meanwhile, those who attempted to block their way were mercilessly rammed by (Y/n) who was still pissed of what the Forsakens did, each crash sending loud metallic bangs inside and causing the vehicle to jerk up and down as the Corrupted got ran over.

Along the way, the vehicle had already took many hits from Sentries and Aerial Monitors, but the armor took the shots with no issues. The Constructs who were in the passenger seats had to hold on to avoid bouncing around because of (Y/n)'s rough driving. They didn't hate it one bit though, all of them having a collective understanding that he's racing against time.

After a few moments, the Corrupted assault have stopped, finally allowing them to proceed without any issues. The machine gun barrel smoked from the continuous firing, which was cooled off As the team approached Liv's current position, (Y/n) checked her location on the map —  still active and moving, but not as fast as before, maybe at walking speed, so he assumed that the Forsakens had arrived in their main base and were bringing her to a prison cell of some sort. They're still very far, but at least they know that Liv is still active.

"Hang in there, Liv..." (Y/n) muttered.

Now taking a more smoother path in the apocalyptic wasteland, (Y/n) pondered on what does the Forsaken actually want. No negotiation terms, no ransom, nothing. Why Liv specifically? What do they want from her? There is only one ending he could see out of this mess — war. A war where he would hope that wouldn't happen, but is certainly ready to be in, and crush all of them if that's what it takes to save Liv.

While he was pondering about his next move, Liv's signal disappeared from the map all of a sudden.

"What the-?! Raven 1 to Raven Actual. What's going on?" (Y/n) immediately contacts Celica.

"[Standby.]" Celica quickly replied. "[I can't establish a connection with Liv, either. Maybe there's an electromagnetic interference. I'll mark her last location in the map. Be careful.]"

"Understood. Out." (Y/n) replied. "I fucking knew it..."


Sector 20 - 230 Kilometers Away From Forsaken Forward Operating Base
Commander (Y/n) "Ranger" Schmitt - Gray Raven
1120 Hours

The squad continued on foot after stopping twelve kilometers from the last source of Liv's radar signature to avoid ambushes from both Corrupted and possibly the Forsaken who may have been ordered by Watanabe to keep a lookout to slow them down. Lee found no Corrupted nor heat signatures within the proximity, but because of Liv's absence, they couldn't get a proper look around. As of now, the remaining Gray Ravens hid behind a pile of rubble and metal while Kamui is conducting a recon around the area as per (Y/n)'s orders.

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