A Little Warm-up

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"[Intercomms/Radio Transmission]"



Sector 27 - Northern Area
Commander (Y/n) "Ranger" Schmitt - Gray Raven
Subway Station
1730 Hours

(Y/n) advanced as he kept on firing his rifle, each bullet hitting the Iron Maiden. Lee and Liv assisted their commander, shooting their weapons at her. However, the corrupted seemed unaffected by the rain of bullets and beams as she slowly turned to the marksmen.


The dreadful sound of his empty gun made (Y/n) halt his advance. Wasting no time, he grabbed his last EMP grenade and tossed it to the Iron Maiden. "Fire in the hole!"


It goes off, sending a strong electromagnetic wave around her, causing her to let out a grunt of pain. She staggers, backing off a bit.

"Lucia!" (Y/n) calls out.

Lucia immediately jumps into the fray. She hops in the air, her blade raised above her head. She brought it down, but the Iron Maiden managed to get a hold of the sword.

"What?!" Lucia gasped.

"Nice knife." Iron Maiden said, then snaps the sword in half.

Tifa smacked Lucia, sending her flying. The red-eyed construct slammed against the wall not long after, creating a crack.

"Lucia!" (Y/n) shouted in distress. "Liv! Treat her!"

"Okay!" Liv replied, complying to the order.

(Y/n) reloads his rifle and violently pulls the charging handle then lets it go. He took aim again, when multiple spikes emerged from the holes in Iron Maiden's lower area.

"Shit! Lee, secure them!" (Y/n) instructed.

The two ran to the female Constructs. Lee grabbed Liv, while (Y/n) carried Lucia away as they ducked behind the pillars. Soon after, the spikes were launched in different directions, hitting everything wherever they land.

"This is your fault!" Tifa screamed in rage. "You humans caused this virus because of your arrogance, and it cost me my Commandant!"

"That's why I'm here to fix our own mistakes!" (Y/n) shot back. "If this world has gone to shit, then you're just another maggot crawling in the pile!"

Enraged, Tifa lets out a loud, mechanical scream as her barrage of spikes intensified, leaving them no room to counterattack.

"[Gray Raven, what's going on down there?]" Celica radioed.

"We're pinned! Her spikes are literally raining down on us!" (Y/n) frantically reported the situation.

"[Copy that. An AC-130 is on the way. ETA one minute. Hold out until then.]" Celica said.

"Tell them to hurry the fuck up!" (Y/n) replied and kills the connection.

"What's the plan, Commandant?" Lee asked.

"Let's lure her outside." (Y/n) said. "Come on!"

Lucia grabbed her broken sword and followed after the group. The Gray Ravens ran outside as the Iron Maiden chased them.

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