"Jujutusu Kaisen"

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It has been known that all men are created equal ,but in a world now filled with superhuman powers called "quirks". 80% of the population gain these quirks at the age of 4 and the other 20% aren't born with any. That saying has become more real than ever .For one boy ,the saying became very much untrue to him.

He wasn't born with a quirk despite his mother having a weak telekinesis and his father being able to breathe fire from his mouth like a dragon. It hurt the poor boy as he wanted to be a hero just like his Idol, the current number one hero in japan... All Might.

The boy was bullied and beaten everyday when his friends in preschool found out he was quirkless. This was mostly by his best friend turned tormentor Katsuki Bakugou. Katsuki was blessed with a quirk that turned his sweat into a nitroglycerin like substance that he can ignite on command to make an explosion.

When his quirk manifested he was praised by everyone, this led him to believe he was the best and he was undefeatable. This caused him to gain a superiority complex, this even made him begin to torment the boy. Hell, he even gave him a nickname to remind him how useless he was.


A wooden doll.

Incapable of anything...


The name originated from a misspelling of the kanji in his name.

This boy's real name was Izuku Midoriya. The quirkless nobody as many others call him, but despite all that, he still dreams big on becoming the number one hero even if it meant he had to do it quirkless. He will prove everyone wrong. He will prove that quirkless doesn't mean helpless. He's hoping that he can show that today in class at his junior high school, Aldrea Junior High.

"Alright, I'm supposed to be giving you bunch of fools a career plan today. This is so we can find out what exactly you are going to do with your pathetic lives" The teacher that teaches Izuku's class said, with a bunch of papers on his desk. "But why bother?!" He shouted out, snatching up the paper in a rapid motion. He then tossed the papers in the air and they drifted to the ground. "I know you guys all want to go to the hero track!"

Everyone began to cheer, childishly flashing their quirks except for two people. Izuku who was sheepishly cowering in his desk and a certain ash-blonde.

"Alright Alright." the teacher said. "Settle down, I know all have amazing quirks, but you know the rule. You aren't allowed to use them in school."

"Oi teach!" The ash blonde known as Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku's tormentor, the most popular kid in aldrea, the one everyone here thinks will be the next number 1, shouted out. "Don't compare me to these bunch of losers, they will be lucky if they made it as some D-lister sidekick!" He insulted basically everyone in the classroom. Something Izuku was very much already used to, besides he couldn't stop him if he wanted to. He would just get beat up.

"You lookin down on us Katsuki!" One of the students shouted as they all were screeching at the cocky spiky haired boy.

He spitakes. "PFFFFFFT-! Bring it! I'll take you all on!"

"Hm, Bakugou it seems here you are applying to U.A." The teacher said and everyone gasped. There were murmurs going around the classroom, many of which are murmurs of surprise and shock.

"U.A? Is he for real?"

"That's the best hero school in japan."

"Dude, that school has a 0.2% acceptance rate, there is no way he will get in."

"But this is Katsuki we are talking about."

"Yeah that's right!" The angry ash-blonde shouted as he jumped on his desk. "I'm going to rise up to be the next number one hero! I'll be the best and richest hero of all time! And it all starts with U.A hi-"

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