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Izuku was currently walking down the hall and Kyoka along with Setsuna met up with him. He smiled at his comrades. "Yo."

Kyoka went up and punched his shoulder. "You got him good." She said with a smirk on her face and Setsuna nodded in agreement. Izuku was happy but at the same time he wasn't. Kyoka, always being the more perspective one in the group, noticed this and raised a brow at Izuku. "Everything alright?"

"H-Hm? Oh yea...It's just that... Ideale was so determined to be a hero, his quirk is absolutely amazing and I'm surprised he didn't make the cut. But now that I realize it, I am probably the only person in the festival currently who could have beaten him even without knowing what his quirk does..." Kyoka looked at Izuku with sincerity. "I feel like, if he doesn't make it into the hero course, it's because I ruined his chance." Kyoka was about to say something to refute that statement, but then saw the look on Setsuna's face. She also felt like it was kind of unfair, Zora was against the odds, against a person that counters his capabilities completely.

"B-But, maybe he will make it. He did develop another plan as a l-last resort to take you out of the game. Maybe the teachers won't overlook that..." Setsuna said and Izuku nodded.

"Maybe..." Izuku looked around. "Hey...where's Mina?"

"In the waiting room, she is hyping herself up after Todoroki's match against Sero." Kyoka said and they were about to make it up to the stands, but saw Momo peering around the corner. "...Yaoyorozu."

She then threw something that hit Izuku right in the face. "Ow..." Izuku looked down. "...A crucifix?" He said as he picked it up from the floor. "What was that for-" She threw another one. "...Why?"

Kyoka glared at her and Momo stopped peering around the corner. She knew why she threw the crucifix. Both greenettes were extremely confused. "D-Does she think...Izuku i-is some kind of Demon or Devil?" Setsuna stuttered and Kyoka sighed.

"Before the sports fest even started, she called you the devil, Izuku. She says it's the only explanation why your quirk didn't make sense to her and what happened at the USJ." She then began scratching the back of her head. "She told me and Mina to stay away from you, that the devil isn't the person we should team up with. We then pushed her away from us and we told her that we had different views on her as a person now...I don't think she cared...seeing what she is doing now at least." She said that last part as she stopped scratching her head. "Whatever it is, I don't think it would be too much of a big deal and I think she will begin to realize that she is wrong soon."

"Hopefully..." Izuku said as they began walking up to the stands.

"Everyone! Prepare yourselves for the second fight of the first round!"



Itsuka was currently walking around the outside of the arena area. She didn't see Zora go back up to the General Studies stands so he had to be around here somewhere.

She eventually saw him sitting alone against the wall. She sat beside him and he whispered something. She looked at him with a raised brow. "Look, I really appreciate the fact you came out here, but can you just fuck off?"

She sighed at the small silence that followed afterwards. "I'm...sorry that you lost... and I-"

"Don't fucking apologize for something that was out of your control, if you're going to just do that shit then just leave me alone..." There was another moment of silence. Itsuka was lost for words, she didn't know how to put it for him. I mean, he'll probably stay stuck in general studies. "I probably lost my second chance, all well."

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