"Hana Ga Saku Michi"

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Izuku, Kyoka and Setsuna went back to the stairs to the beach and put back on their shoes. After that they went back up the stairs and began walking again. Tokage and Jirou once again slipped their hands to hold Izuku's and intertwined their fingers.

"S-So where to next?" Setsuna questioned and the two hummed in thought.

"Well... I-I'm not sure." Izuku pointed out and Kyoka perked up.

"Hey, what if we just hung out at my place?" Kyoka said and the two looked at her. "Hey, maybe you guys can just crash at my place for the night. I'm sure we have some extra futons somewhere." Izuku and Setsuna blushed after hearing that.

"I-I mean... are you sure?" Izuku said, trying to make sure if it was A okay with her. I mean, he was asked to basically sleep over at a girl's house, in her room!

Kyoka gave him a deadpan look. "Dude, we've known each other for almost ten months. I'm fine with it, plus you haven't met my parents." Kyoka said with a thumbs up. "Don't worry about it."

"U-Ummm what about me?" Tokage questioned, she had only known them for two days and this was their first time actually hanging out. So she wasn't so sure about the whole situation. Kyoka looked at her with a smile.

"Oh, don't worry about it, Tokage. I don't think there will be an issue." Kyoka reassured her friend, knowing that she probably felt left out due to the fact that they have only known each other for a few days. "We might not have known each other for long but I can see you are a good person already. Though there probably would be an argument with my parent's, heh." She said while scratching the back of her head.

"Oh, ok! Y-Yea, I'm up for it." Setsuna said with a smile as they began to walk towards Kyoka's place. "A-Also...M-Midoriya? Jiro?" She called out their names and looked at her in response. She took a deep breath before saying what she said next. "Y-You can call me, S-Setsuna if you like..."

Kyoka and Izuku looked at her kinda shocked. "You sure?" Izuku questioned her. "I-I-I'm mean it took m-me and Kyoka nine months t-to get on a first name basis."

Setsuna nodded in response. "I-I mean, I already plan to h-hang out more with you two, s-so I might as well get it over with?" She then looked at the two with eyes that made them blush and were impossible to say no to.

"O-Ok, Setsuna." Izuku said with a hundred watt smile."You can call me, Izuku."

"And you can call me Kyoka." Kyoka said after Izuku responded to Tokage.

This made Setsuna blush. She kinda squeezed his hand a little as if she didn't want to let go. They eventually passed the school Izuku and Kyoka went to. Izuku and Kyoka looked at it with a smile.

"Remember that project we did, Izuku? The first one I mean." Kyoka asked Izuku and he nodded in response. Setsuna was slightly confused. She knew they met while doing a project, but what kind of project was it? "You were a nervous wreck when we first met, but so was I, internally at least."

Izuku nodded. "I-I never expected to b-be paired up with s-someone as amazing as you." He said, causing Kyoka to blush immensely.

"Aw stop it."

"N-No he's right, you are amazing, Kyoka." Kyoka looked at Setsuna and her blush grew a bit darker. "You are as well Izuku. You guys are awesome." She now was giving a big smile showing off her shark-like teeth, making the two blush even more at the compliment and how adorable Setsuna looked.

"T-thanks Setsuna."

"Y-yeah. Thanks. You're also awesome." Kyoka said, twirling her jack. This caused Setsuna to also blush.

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