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"I said where do I sign up?" Shinso asked again, shocking the Bulls even more.

"Y-you want to join the Bulls." Kyoka asked. Shinso nodded his head slightly, answering Kyoka's question.

"Yes. You four have shown how good of a team you are. The drive you have is amazing."

"Y-you really mean that?" Izuku asked.

"Yea, I will admit that I feel your guys sense of justice and drive to save people. It reminds me of my own sense of justice, but on steroids. I didn't realize how great it was until I saw Ashido fight till she almost died." He explained. "It takes a huge amount of resolve to go through the pain she went through and still be able to fight till she flatlines. She has my utmost respect, but so do you, Midoriya. Because I have a feeling that you were the one who taught her that giving up is not an option for heroes."

Izuku was looking at him as if he was trying to figure him out. Besides, the look on Shinso's face looked like he wanted to say more.

The indigoette put his hand at the back of his neck. "You said you didn't have a quirk until two years ago? Meaning you were quirkless the whole time and had a rough life, yet you still push forward to being a hero instead of switching to the darkside and becoming who you shouldn't." Hitoshi continued to explain to the verdette. The other two bulls were also paying attention. "It's strange how similar we are. My quirk, Brainwash, had always been depicted as a villainous quirk. Therefore, I didn't really have any good friends." He looked at Jiro. "You were the first person I saw as a good friend, you trusted that I wouldn't use my quirk on you when we held conversations."

Kyoka nodded in response, she looked at Izuku who was thinking. Setsuna also looked at the greenette. "Hm..." He hummed. "Yea, we just need to get you another robe." Izuku said with a smile and Shinso smirked.

"Tenya Iida is immobilized! Itsuka Kendo is the winner and moves onto the next round!"

"Had a feeling..." Izuku said. "Though, that does mean she'll fight Kacchan next..."

"Although I do think Kirishima is strong, Bakugo is that much stronger." Setsuna said. "In my opinion, I don't think there is a reason to watch the match if I already know who will win."

Shinso looked at the door to Ms.Tamayo's in confusion. "So, what's even taking so long?"

The three stayed silent. Afterwhile, Izuku spoke up. "...She is in surgery." Shinso was a bit shocked by this. He then scratched the back of his head.

"Damn, did not expect Yaoyorozu to go that far..."

"Me neither, it was very unprecedented from our vice representative!" The four turn to see Iida walking over. "I heard everything. She...She fought her hardest like a hero should. She has my utmost respect." He then had his phone ringing. "Give me a second..."

As Iida walked away to talk to whoever called him. Yushiro opened the door slightly, only poking his head out. "Ok, you may come in. But be quiet, she is asleep."

The four then walked into the room and saw Mina peacefully sleeping with a cast on her whole left arm. She looked worn out. Setsuna sat in the chair that was next to her bed and Kyoka sat in the other. Izuku went to see if he could find more chairs while Shinso stood at the foot of the bed waiting for Izuku.

"Damn. It's nice to know that she is alright now." Shinso said. Both Kyoka and Setsuna nodded their heads as they didn't want to speak. Izuku then came back in with two more chairs and gave one to Shinso. The two then sat down before being in silence for a few minutes. They stayed like this until Izuku finally decided to speak.

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