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After that fight, The bulls went to meet up with Izuku who looked a bit beat up. When they finally met, they all smiled at each other. Kyoka punched the verdette's shoulder. "That was the best damn match I think has happened in fucking years of U.A. You never told me about you being able to make the Demon-Slayer Sword the size of the school itself." Kyoka said and Izuku looked at her in confusion.


"Wait...You... What?" Kyoka stumbled in confusion as Izuku looked at his hand.

"I don't really know what happened after I saw the fire, after awhile all thought shut down and I only woke up after the match was over and I won." Izuku looked up from it. "So I have no idea what happened before I won the fight."

"So, you didn't know anything about the sword?" Izuku shook his head in response to Mina's question

"Wait, don't you have a match to get to, Mina?" Izuku questioned and they all dead panned at him as if he was stupid.

"You do know, you and peppermint Zuko both broke the arena so badly that it looked pretty much erased right?" She said and Izuku was shocked. From his standpoint, the arena only had a gnash in the middle, maybe he wasn't fully awake?

"Well...As we can wait for that. We can try to discuss how you can beat Yaoyorozu..." Izuku said, putting a finger on his chin and Mina gave him a thumbs up.

"Not needed! I already thought of how I'm going to beat her." The pinkette said with a big smile on her face. "No need to worry about me, but I'll go to the waiting room just to think somethings over, maybe warm-up a bit too." She said and she gained a nod from the other three.

She began to walk off and they waved at her. "Good luck on your match!" Kyoka shouted and Mina threw another thumbs up.

Setsuna watched as she left and now it was her, Izuku and Kyoka. It made her think more about what she is feeling when she is near them. She doesn't want to have to choose between the two, that wouldn't sit right. She wants both of them in her life forever, she wants to love them unconditionally.

She looked at the two. "H-Hey. I'm going to be right back. I-I'll meet you at the stands okay?" She said and the two looked back at her.

"Sure, we'll see you there." Izuku said as Kyoka and himself were walking off to the stands and Setsuna walked toward her destination. She needed help with this whole thing, it put a feeling in her gut that she hated but it made her heart race. She knew who she was going to go to right now wouldn't be the best idea nor would it be fair, but she just really needs answers.

She stopped in front of a waiting room door and opened it to see Mina doing a handstand. She did a cartwheel and stood up on her two legs. "What's up, Set?" She said, but then began to notice she wasn't in the best of moods. "Everything good, girl?"

Setsuna shook her head and Mina offered her to take a seat. She sat across from her and placed both of her hands on the table and interlocked them. "So what's eating you?"

"...Can...You promise not to tell anyone? Even Kyoka and Izuku?" Mina raised a brow at this question. What is a secret that she could tell the pinkette that she couldn't tell the people she has known for over a year. Eventually, Mina sighed and nodded. "...I...I like Izuku-." Mina was about to spring up, but then she didn't see an ounce of nervousness from the greenettes face, just sadness. "...B-But I also like Kyoka.... And I don't know what t-to do. I-I don't want to have to ch-choose between them. I couldn't, I-I can't. I wish....I wish I could h-have both of them." Setsuna then started to tear up thinking about not being able to have both and hurting one of them. "I...I don't want to h-hurt one of t-them. I-I just w-want to be with b-both of t-them."

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