"Black Rover"

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Izuku opened his eyes and all he saw was a white ceiling and a few lights. He then looked around and saw that he was in Lady Tamayo's office. He felt a bit of self disappointment. He felt that way since he is the one in here and he doesn't see Bakugou in the room at all. He must have lost the fight. He was about to get up, but he heard the door open. Lady Tamayo and Yushiro walked in and saw that he was up.

"Oh good. You are awake. I hope that the other one wakes up too so that you both can get out of here." Yushiro said to the boy, much to his confusion.

"Yushiro." Lady Tamayo said with a very stern tone in her voice, making the boy flinch before he bowed.

"I'm sorry Lady Tamayo. I didn't mean to upset you." She then chopped his head and rolled her eyes. "It's okay. Right now get the formulas ready."

"Yes Lady Tamayo." Yushiro then took the tray and started to put the healing formula in the syringes. Izuku was a little confused.

"Um...what did he mean by the other and why are you filling two syringes?" Izuku then heard a groan behind the curtain to his left. The curtain then showed a figure behind the curtain. The figure then moved the curtain and it showed Bakugo. This confused Izuku. If Bakugo is here too, then who won?

"You both tied."

"whAT?!" Both of them screamed.

"No yelling!" Yushiro said as he filled the second syringe. This syringe was the syringes specifically for healing burn wounds.

"There is no way I tied with HIM!"

"...Kacchan, you do know you lost to me twice in the sports fest and three times in a row have I beaten you in general."

"Fuck off!"

"Did I not tell you to be silent!?" Yushiro shouted once more. While walking toward Izuku and injecting him with a syringe while angrily mumbling. After the formula had been injected, all the burn wounds and marks just disappeared and they didn't hurt anymore.


"Man, the robe though...it's all burnt up." He looked up. "Maybe I can get Hatsume to fix it for me..."

"No one cares about your damn robe, nerd." Katsuki said as he was also fully healed now. He was glaring daggers at Izuku and Izuku glared back at him.

"Ms.Kanroji is outside of the room waiting for you. She has instructions on what you two will do next." Ms. Tamayo said to the two teens who were a bit confused. "You need a tie breaker. The sports fest can't conclude without a true number one, think of it like a fourth game." She continued as the both of them got up.

Izuku nodded at her and Katsuki gave a "tch" to her. The two then made their way to the hallway where Mitsuri was waiting for them. She sees the two and smiles at them as they make their way towards the Love Hashira.

"Ah good. You two are finally awake. Come, we can't waste any time right now." She said as she started to walk towards the arena again. The two followed her.They soon made it back to the arena and went to the center. Some of the crowd cheered, but most stayed quiet. It stayed silent for a while before Mitsuri decided to speak again into a microphone.

"This is the first time this has ever happened, in U.A. 's History." Misturi spoke. "We have a tie between the two people who were supposed to become either first or second placers of the sports festival!" She shouted out into the mic. "Therefore, there must be a fourth game to settle the tie breaker!" The crowd went wild as Izuku and Katsuki looked at each other. This was the final stand. "The tie breaker will be a game that these two both decide will be the best!" She said before turning off the mic. "So, what is it boys? what will you two pick as the fourth game?"

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