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"Ready?! Fight!"

"DIE!" Katsuki shouted as he blasted toward Setsuna. She split her waist from her hip and dodged the attack. She reconnected afterward and took steps back. He blasted toward again, but expected that she'd just split in half again, but not in the way he thought. She split her body in two to dodge again, only this time she split it from the top of her head down.

She reconnected and smoke started riling up. "ARGH!" Bakugo shouted in frustration. Setsuna was a bit afraid...Die? He sounded like he meant it....She took a deep breath to push the fear away, this was no time to feel like this. "Why the fuck do you hang out with that Stupid! Useless! NERD?!" He shouted, charging at her again. Setsuna retaliated by shooting her hands out at him. He tried to blow them up but she moved them out of the way.

She grabbed him by the back of his shirt with both hands as she attempted to carry him out of the arena but then he used his quirk to explode himself upward, he then flipped himself over and created another explosion, this explosion was made so he could crush her hands on the concrete of the arena. When he made impact with the ground, a loud wince escaped Tokage's mouth. The force of that impact alone probably broke her hands. She brought them back to her and they were aching with excruciating pain.

"You, Ears, Racoon eyes...Why the fuck do you three hang out with someone as usless as him!" He charged at her and launched a blast to her face. She slid across the floor and became hidden in the smoke.

Mina, Izuku and Kyoka were all off of their seats watching the fight.

He saw a shadow behind him and went to attack."HE IS A NOBODY!" He said shooting a blast at the shadow, but it was only her bottom half. He reacted quickly and turned around to see Setsuna's top half behind him.

"He isn't a nobody! Don't talk about him like that!" Setsuna shouted as Katsuki blasted her in the face with an explosion. Her top half flew back and slid across the floor.

"Say what you want! Because he was nothing but a worthless stepping stone! He is worthless!" Katsuki shouted back at her. He was putting all his frustration out on her because she is one of the people who helped the damn nerd get where he is now. "Hero Group?! Black Bulls?! Of course he couldn't do it on his own! Because He.Is.Worthless!"

"And you lost to him at the Hero vs Villain training so what does that make you huh?! Sounds like an abject FAILURE to me!" Setsuna shouted as she reconnected her legs. Katsuki screamed at the top of his lungs and blasted himself toward Setsuna.

Tokage tried to protect herself from the impact with her arms but it was too late. Katsuki fired a blast to her face. She once again slid across the floor. She got up but then was hit by another explosion to her side, then again...and again...and again. "I am NO failure! I have the best quirk of all! You are NOTHING compared to me! NOTHING! And

neither is your whole gang and fucking Deku!" He shouted at her as he launched an explosion right to her face.

Setsuna tumbled to the ground, but this time, she couldn't get up. She was too out of it and weak to get up. 'Come on....get up.' She thought as she tried everything in her power to get up.

She eventually began to stand, her body aching and her hands pulsing with pain. She had burn marks all over her body, Bakugo did not let up at all. Eventually, not long after standing up, her body gave out again and she collapsed.

"Yea, stay down. Trash..."

"Setsuna Tokage is unable to battle, declaring Katsuki the stylish win!" The crowd roared at this as the robots came onto the field and put the worn out Setsuna on a stretcher. Izuku and the other two leaned back to sit normally.

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