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Mina raised a brow at the brunette. "My help with....?" Before Finral had a chance to speak, Mina jumped up from sitting down. "Wait, is this about you and Haya?!"

"SHHHHHHHHH!" The hero said, sighing afterward. He didn't really want anyone else to hear about this right now. Yuyu would kill him to be honest.

"Why did you come for her help th-" Mina slapped her hand over Kendo's mouth.

"Don't question it." The pinkette said to Itsuka, shushing her hoping it was her moment to shine.

"Well, the name Mina is practically the female embodiment of cupid. So I only assume-"

"Holy shit, so..." Mina pointed at herself in disbelief. "I'm basically cupid. Oh my...that makes so much sense!" She exclaimed in excitement.

"Yea! It does!" Izuku shouted with a smile.

"Now, what's the tea sis?" Mina said, smirking at the brunette who deadpanned.

"Anyways, I was looking for advice on how to get with Yuyu. Had no luck at all, man." Finral said, scratching the back of his neck with a disappointed groan. He had honestly no idea why she was rejecting him all the time.

"Oh right, Noelle said she rejected you many times right?" Izuku questioned and Mina hummed.

"Sorry dude. Can't help ya." Mina confirmed with a blank look on her face. "You're probably not her type."

"...Wh-what?!" Izuku semi shouted, flabbergasted. Never thinking he would ever hear those words come from Mina's mouth with these situations. Kendo raised a brow herself, not expecting it either.

Mina looked at the other two blankly. "What?"

"Just...never thought I'd hear you say that." The verdette replied, gaining a quirked brow from Mina.

"She isn't into him. Nothing I can really do about that really." Mina said before Finral gave a disappointed sigh and smiled a bit. He kinda expected that. "However, maybe it's something else. I can ask for you but that's just as much as I can do."

Finral huffed. "Alright then, I'll take that, thanks." He said. "Anyways, Yami told me that you guys have another thirty minutes of chill before you have to train for the rest of the time that the light of the sun is out." He said before clapping his hands a small amount. "Adios." He closed the door.



Kyoka felt like she was about to pass out at any minute. She knew that training was going to be hard, but not this hard. She was currently doing stamina training with Shinbou and her other interns. She right now was just supposed to do laps as she tried to control her breathing. The problem was that she needed to do it in her hero outfit and about 60 kg weights on her wrist and ankles. Jiro lasted a while but she was catching her breath and saw Tanjiro with 70 kg weights and Kanao with 80 kilo weights run by her.

She always hated cardio...

"How...can...they do this...like nothing?" She asked as she caught her breath. She then saw Nezuko run by her with weights that weighed 50 kilograms. She ran slower than her elder brother and his girlfriend. She ran as well as she could. Kyoka can see the girl's slightly visible pain on her face, but with a look of determination in her eyes. "God... fucking dammit. How...the hell...am I gonna...do this?"

"My my. Such vulgar language, Earphone Jack. I feel that it needs to disappear when you're on the field." Shinobu said. Kyoka let out a yelp as she was frightened by Shinobu sneaking up on her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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