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It was the day for the sports fest, the day that everyone will be watching the skills of the first year students of U.A. Izuku had always dreamed of being in the sports festival and now he was actually taking part of it, he was internally screaming. Well...Internally...not really...not screaming either....

"Oh my I'm actually in the sports festival, man this is going to be so cool and fun. Man, I can't wait for it to start! Oh! I wonder what the first two rounds will be. Well, it doesn't matter I'll probably get past them anyway but it's still cool to think about it. Kyoka do you believe we are actually here?" Izuku was muttering away with stars in his eyes and happy tears running down his face like he usually does when he is really excited or happy.

Kyoka dropped a sweat. "Yea, I can believe it since we are here, Celery Stick." Kyoka joked and Izuku looked at her, happy tears still running down his face.

"Come Kyoka, you knew what I meant..." Kyoka bleeped her tongue at him in response.

Mina sighed in disappointment as she held her P.E uniform. "I thought we were going to wear costumes for this though..." The pinkette said, sounding disappointed. "At least we got the robes so people know what's up." Mina said confidently.

Izuku and Kyoka nodded and the violette punched Izuku's shoulder. "Smart of this guy to turn in the forms for not only his utility belt for his grimoire, but the robes for the Black Bulls."

Izuku chuckled a bit. "We gotta give it our all in the sports festival, we don't know what they will have in store for us at all." He said, gaining a nod from almost everyone in the room.

"Whatever it is, we must persevere." Tokoyami said at the other side of the room.

"Right." Shoji responded to him.

"We can't fall behind that red headed jerk. We'll lose our spots in the hero course for sure. I mean, he came to our class, roasted us, then declared war on us." Mineta reminded the class about Zora, pointing out something that was obvious but something to be concerned about. He was absolutely right, they don't even know what quirk he has. He mentioned that his quirk only affected living things, for all they know he could be extremely powerful and well trained in using his abilities. He seemed really smart and observant so he could come up with plans on the spot if he needed to. He would be a cool guy to hang out with, if only he wasn't...

Such an asshole...

"As much as I'd hate to say it, Mineta is right. We can't lose to that guy if we want to continue our careers as heroes." Momo also said she looked at Izuku, Mina and Kyoka with a bit of worry. Izuku looked at her and nodded, but... she just glared and looked away from him.

Was there some kind of issue? Izuku doesn't remember doing anything particularly bad to her...

"What's her deal?" Kyoka lowly whispered as the class continued to talk to each other. The other two members of the Black Bulls shrugged.

"O-Oh yea, I also named the smaller sword." Izuku said, catching the attention of the other two. "I decided to call it the Demon Dweller-Sword."

Kyoka raised a brow. "Why''Dweller"? I mean, it sounds dope. Don't get me wrong but..."

"Because it absorbs the abilities of other quirks and they dwell within the sword until I need them."

"Makes sense."

Iida then slammed the door to the 1-A waiting room open as he entered. "Everyone, game faces on! We are going to be entering the field in a short moment! I want everyone in 1-A to give it their all! I expect everyone I met on day 1 to be in the same class and not the redhead with the really cool mask to be in one of our former classmate's seats!" He shouted words of enthusiasm at his classmates. It also seems like Ideale's smack talk got to him too, firing a fire of sheer will and determination not to lose. He is either in for it now, or this was exactly what he was counting on...

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