"Aoi Honoo"

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Kyoka began rushing down stairs from her room dressed in U.A school clothing and her school bag as well. She heard a knock from the front door of her house. "Gimme a minute!" She said as she ran to the kitchen, grabbing a toast and putting butter on it.

Her mother Mika walked from the other room. "What's the rush sweetheart?" She said and Kyoka sighed.

"Mom, it's my first day, plus they are waiting outside for me already. We'll stop by a starbucks on the way to the train station, don't worry about me just eating a toast for now." Kyoka said in a slightly excited yet annoyed tone.

"Ok, if you say so. Have a great first day at hero school, Hun." Mika said as Kyoka put the toast in her mouth and nodded. She ran to the door and put on her shoes. She opened it and Izuku and Setsuna were already outside of the house in their school uniforms. Izuku had his utility belt with his Grimoire and a black headband with a red tear on it. That head band was what Setsuna got him on his birthday. Kyoka had gotten him a limited edition All Might figure that he was about to buy himself at one point.

Kyoka smiled at them as she took the toast out of her mouth. "Yo, you two ready?" Kyoka said as Setsuna looked at her while doing Izuku's tie the correct way.

"Hm? O-Oh, yea!" She said with a smile and a blush. "I-I was just making sure that Izuku's tie was done correctly." She said with a sweat drop and a smile. Her fellow greenette nervously chuckled in response.

"W-Well...it's not like I had a dad to teach me..." Izuku said and Setsuna looked at him with concern.


"A-Anyways, let's get going!"




The trio had made it to U.A high after a while. They still had their coffee in their hands that they got from starbucks. Izuku and Setsuna both got cappuccinos and Kyoka has a pumpkin latte.

"So, are you ready? Are you excited-"

"A-Are you going to make that damn odd future reference again?" Kyoka said with snarkiness in her voice, making Setsuna giggle and Izuku chuckled.


Kyoka sighed. "Green bean, Green pea. Let's go." She said as they began

Izuku and Setsuna blushed, they still couldn't get used to those two nicknames. They walked up the stairs to where the first year rooms are. Izuku began counting the doors.

"Okay, let's see... 1-F... 1-E...1-D...1-C... oof!" Izuku said as he felt himself bump into someone. Izuku scratched the top of his head. "Ow..." He was then grabbed by the top of the head and lifted off the ground.

"I-Izuku!" Setsuna shouted as the mysterious man was holding him up.

"You want a death wish, kid?" He said with a pissed off tone. The man had a grey suit with a white half haori over it. The word "Destroy" on the back. His face and chest were covered in some nasty scars. He also looked very pissed, like psychotic pissed.

Izuku then had stars in his eyes with happy tears coming out. "You're Wind Slasher, the hashira of wind! You are teaching at U.A too? That's so awesome, I wonder if all the Hashira are here." He began muttering and he looked at Kyoka and Setsuna while Wind Slasher was still holding his head. "Setsuna, Kyoka, look it's Wind Slasher. Man he is so awesome-"

'The hell is with this kid..?' He thought. "One....Two...Three..."

"H-Hey what are you counting for?"

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