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"So this is the underground base huh..." Setsuna asked as she and Giyuu walked into a bar that looked a bit like it was out of this world. Setsuna looked around and saw many heroes that she had never seen or heard Izuku talk about.

  'Oh I hope he and Kyoka are doing okay.' She thought, a blush was growing on her face.

"Yup. This is where I usually come when I need a break or I need information for my next mission." Giyuu said. This made Setsuna come out of her thoughts and looked at him.

"W-which one is it right now?" She asked.

"It's a mixture of both. I need a new mission that can help you and I need something to calm me down from the last few days." Giyuu said as he looked at Setsuna with a glare. She knew exactly what he meant with that look.

"R-right. I-I promise I h-haven't told anyone." She said as she rubbed the back of neck.

"Good. No one needs to know about us. So keep it that way. Got it?" He said with a little venom behind his words.

"Y-yes s-sir." Setsuna stuttered out.

"Alright then let's get to my usual spot." He said as he started walking further into the bar. Setsuna followed him. The two walked for a bit passing other heroes. She would make sure to tell Izuku about these heroes. Oh she knew how much he loved talking to them. She always found it cute just like how she found Kyoka twirling her jack cute as well. Setsuna started to glow a blush again. Giyuu noticed this.

  "Focus!  Right now you can't be thinking about your boyfriend or girlfriend." Setsuna stopped with a massive, erupting blush on her face for a second before shaking her head.

"S-sure t-thing M-Mr. Tomioka." Giyuu growled a bit.

"I told you to call me by my hero name while on duty, remember?"

"R-right. S-Sorry Giyuu." Giyuu gave a little smile.


"W-why did you go with that n-name?" Setsuna asked.

"I went with it because I feel you don't need a hero name when you're an underground hero."

"T-that kinda makes sense." Setsuna said with a sweatdrop.

"It makes a lot of sense." Both Giyuu and Setsuna looked over and saw a very scruffy looking man who looked like he needed a lot of sleep. His outfit was all black and he had a scarf wrapped around his neck. Sitting next to him was Shinso, who had a similar scarf, maybe they knew each other already?

"Ah Eraserhead. Good to see you again. Nice to see you as well, Shinso." Giyuu said. The man now known as Eraserhead nodded his head.

"G-Good to see you Shinso." Setsuna said.

"Hero names." Giyuu scolded.

"R-right. Nice to see you, Vocal Box." Shinso nodded at Setsuna.

" Nice to see you too, Tyrant Lizard." Eraserhead was a little confused by this.

"Do you two know each other? I thought you were in other classes."

"They are, but I know you saw the Festival. So you saw her team. Vocal Box was helping the student who coughed up blood right before Amora stepped in. That's how they know each other. " Eraserhead looked at Shinso.

"Good to know that you care for your classmate Vocal Box."

"Thank you sir." Shinso said.

"Anyways. Are you also here to get a mission for your intern Eraserhead." Giyuu asked as he and Setsuna sat down at the same table. Eraserhead nodded with a hum.

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