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It was two days after the USJ. Izuku and Kyoka had gotten out of their cast thanks to Tamayo's help. All the students had two days off from school, although it wasn't long, it was enough for the trio to recuperate.

Mina had also texted them over those two days to see how they were doing, being that they were the only ones that were hurt so badly.

But alas, it was school time and they were all currently in class. Kyoka was playing with Izuku's hair who was crying happy tears with stars in his eyes. "I can move my arms again. I can hold a sword again. I'm so happy." He said as he swung his arms in circles.

"I wonder who our sub will be being that Mr.Tomioka was beaten to a pulp." Kyoka pondered and Izuku's face reverted to its normal self as he heard those words.

"Huh...Now that you mention it, I'm not all that sure..." Izuku said while placing a finger on his chin.

They both saw Mina walk in the classroom and bolt toward Izuku. "Holy shit dude. I didn't get to tell you this before, but you scared the shit out of me after you were tossed from the side of a mountain." She said while knocking him on the head a bit. "Don't do that again."

"I can only promise to try."

"Speaking of the USJ...Izuku. There was something I've been meaning to ask you." Kyoka said as she stopped playing with his hair. She looked at Mina. "You do too, don't you?" Mina looked down and slightly nodded. "...What happened back there?"

Izuku looked back at Kyoka. "What do you mean?"

"Well...We all saw some kind of shadow creature looming over you after you got up..." Kyoka explained. "Then Yaoyorozu started screaming in pain and that second sword of yours began to come out of her quirk. L-Like it was reacting to you." Izuku was a bit shocked. He caused Yaoyorozu pain? Or was it something else? "Izuku, I want the truth...what are you? Know that I will never stop being by your side, but I want to know."

"Alright then...I'll tell you." Izuku said in a serious tone with the shadow of his hair covering his eyes. Mina and Kyoka gulped hearing Izuku talk like this. Izuku then looked at them with a full hearted, closed eye smile. "Well, beats me. All I know is that I'm 100% human." He confirmed while scratching the back of his head.

Mina and Kyoka gave him an unsatisfied pokerface. "And here I thought I was going to see some epic shonen main character evolution or something." Mina said while shaking her head. "Not cool dude." She said in a disappointed tone of voice. She then placed a finger on her chin while looking up at the ceiling. "Does bring up the question on what exactly that was though..."

"Hmmm." Kyoka hummed in response. She began to remember what Momo said to her, about the leaves of a clover. "I'm going to take a wild guess, and say it's the devil."

Mina looked at her with a raised brow. "You believe in the devil?"

"W-Well... no. Its just that-."

"You heard what Mr.Tomioka told me?" Izuku said to her and Kyoka shook her head again.

"Yaoyorozu overheard what he said. After the sword came out of her quirk, she said it to me in a raspy voice. She claimed that's what you were and there was no other explanation for why you have a five leaf clover on your grimoire." Kyoka explained to the greenette and Mina was left with nothing. Why? Because she didn't know what they were talking about.

"What are you guys even talking about-?"

"Everyone sit down." Everyone looked at who was walking in the room and they all saw Giyuu with his face all bandaged up with one eye poking out. Man takes his job seriously if he actually came today looking like that.

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