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Currently, Itsuka and Zora were following behind Izuku and Todoroki. To be honest, Zora was there to see any actual fight or get his hands on some good tea. Itsuka followed to make sure that the fight didn't get too out of hand.

Itsuka got a tap on her shoulder and looked behind her to see the rest of The Black Bulls. "Oh, hey guys...what are you doing here?" she whispered, causing Zora to look behind him as well.

Mina raised a brow. "We should be asking you that question."

"Whatever it is, it's not your business." Zora said to the group which got them a little peeved.

Itsuka sighed. "C'mon, Ideale. Don't be such a jerk." Zora jerked his head back and sighed.

"Alright, fine. Whatever, doesn't mean I'll take back what I said-."

"We are following Midoriya and Todoroki. We want to see what's gonna happen."

"..." Zora stopped scratching the back of his neck and looked at Itsuka with a "What the hell?!" face. "..." She then looked back with a cheerful and happy face, but he knew she did that on purpose to annoy him. Ideale clicked his teeth. "Yea, what she said. Now hurry up before we miss out on the juicy details."

He then began walking off and the other followed behind him. They saw the two enter a hallway and the group leaned up against the wall beside it. Zora was going to peak the moment he heard a fist hit human skin, this was going to be too good to pass up.

They saw Bakugo across from them, and also leaned against a wall. 'The hell is he doing here?!' They all thought.

Then they heard words being spoken from Izuku's mouth.

"S-So... what did you need me for Todoroki? I was kinda eating lunch." He said to the multi-color haired teen with a scar on his left side of his face. He didn't reply for a good moment, was he trying to intimidate Izuku with cold stares? Yea right, and he didn't spend the last two years of his life being around a purple haired punk rock girl who he eventually fell in love with. He sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Y-Ya know, if you're just gonna stay silent. I-I'mma just go."

"You know....I made a promise to myself a long time ago." Todoroki said and Izuku looked at him and stopped scratching the back of his neck. "Usually my ice is enough to over power anyone..." He then looked up at him. "Have you heard of Stain?"

"O-Oh? The hero killer? Yea. He is a pretty big deal is Hosu right now..." Izuku replied.

"And if you know about him, you should know his two main weapons are two katanas. His swordsmanship skills are highly upclass, so the reports say. However, from what I saw at the U.S.J when you fought against the monster alongside Rengoku, and during that large scale defense between the vines and my ice, you reacted just at the right moment of time inorder for me to not be able to grab a flag, and to cut almost all the vines at once and cause the girl controlling them to move out of the way."

"What are you saying Todoroki?" Izuku said, clearly not understanding what the teen in front of him was going on about. Todoroki took his hand out of his pocket.

"Also, assuming that you know alot about heroes, I have a question for you. Are...Eraserhead and Stain gay for eachother and you are their secret love child or something?"

"..." Izuku's eyes went wide at what Todoroki was saying.

At the back, The girls all almost spitook out loud and Katsuki's eyes went wide hearing this, and it looked like he was trying to hold back a laugh too. Itsuka, who had tears in her eyes from trying to hold back a laugh, looked at Zora to see his reaction. His eyes were white and he was smiling. But he was slightly shaking. She heard a small snort from him, so he must've been trying to hold back a laugh too.

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