"Eien Ni Hikare"

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'Oh jeez. I can't believe I'm doing this.' Izuku thought to himself as he left the train station heading to U.A. He was currently meeting up with Kyoka and Setsuna to hang out. Even though he was the one to suggest this meet up. Izuku was still nervous that he was hanging out with two people. Not only two people, but two beautiful girls. He's known Kyoka for about 9 months now, but he has never actually hung out with her before today.

He only really trained with her and then went home right after since they were both sore and tired from their workout. Then there is Setsuna Tokage. A girl he just met two days ago at the entrance exam. He felt more nervous about her since he didn't know her at all. He felt anxious as he thought about her deciding to not talk or hang out with them because of him.

Izuku then saw U.A. in the distance on top of its usual hill. Izuku's heart started to race a bit as he got closer and closer to the gates.

'Oh man. I hope this goes well.' He thought as he got to the front gates of U.A. 'I hope this outfit is good enough.'

Izuku then looked over his outfit one more time. He was wearing some blue jeans, a grey shirt that has the word shirt in kanji written on it, a red jacket to make sure he's warm as it is still cold outside and his red high tops that he's had since he was 10 years old. For him, he was hoping that this would be good enough to wear. He also had his utility belt with his book he decided to call a "Grimoire".

Izuku then sighed after looking at his outfit.

"Well, It's the best I can do since I don't know about fashion." He then leaned back onto the concrete wall next to the gates. He then pulled out his phone to look at hero news as he waited for the girls to hopefully come.

"Izuku!" Izuku then looked up from his phone at the direction of the noise. He recognized the voice as Kyoka's. He was about to speak, but was starstruck by what he saw her wearing. She was wearing black jeans with some holes in them, a purple shirt that had the words Deep Dope on it, a black leather jacket, combat boots, a purple choker, and a few bracelets on. Izuku didn't know what to say besides she looked beautiful.

"Hey, Izuku. Are you there?" Kyoka asked as she waved a hand in front of his face. Izuku then came out of his gaze as he saw Kyoka was in front of him now.

"O-oh hey Kyoka. Um... s-sorry I got distracted.Um... y-you look g-great." He said scratching the back of his neck with a blush on his face.

"Um... T-Thanks I-Izuku. Y-you don't look bad y-yourself." Kyoka said, twirling one of her jacks as she had a blush on her face. They then went into a few minutes of silence after they both complemented one another. Izuku then coughed before speaking.

"S-So. A-are you ready for today Kyoka?"

" U-um... y-yeah. I am excited to hang out not in school or training. I-I do hope Tokage joins." She said as she continued twirling her jack.

"Y-yeah. S-she seemed really nice. I think she would be fun to hang out with." Izuku said as he made his blush go down.

"Y-yeah I hope she...joins... us."

"Kyoka. Are you okay?" Izuku asked. He then looked where Kyoka was looking and said Setsuna was walking up to them. She had on some blue jeans, a green t-shirt that had a grey shadow of some kind of dinosaur with a fin on its back on it, a brown leather jacket and a beige scarf wrapped around her neck. Both Izuku and Kyoka had a dust of pink on their cheeks as Setsuna walked up to them.

"H-Hi guys."

"Um...H-Hi Tokage. Y-you look good." Izuku said with his blush glowing.

"Y-yeah. I-I like the shirt." Kyoka said, twirling her jack more. Setsuna now had a blush on her face as well.

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