"Kaikai Kitan"

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It was the day after Kyoka had found out about Izuku's secret. The two were in the last period of the day. She was going to confront him about it after class was over. If she was going to join him, there was no time like the present.

She took a glance at Izuku. She already admired him for how geeky he is about quirks and how determined he is to reach for the top spot, to be the number one hero. But she admired him also for how hard he is working to get to that spot. She watched as Izuku wrote in his notebook, probably writing about some quirk. She realized what she was doing and stopped looking with a blush on her face.

The bell rang and everyone began to pick up their belongings. Kyoka got up after Izuku did and followed him outside of the school. After a while of following him, she sped up and tapped his shoulder. "Midoriya."

Izuku turned around in shock. "O-Oh hey J-Jiro. What's up?"

"I know your secret." Izuku then jolted. He seemed more nervous than usual.

"Wh-What a-are you talking about?" Izuku said, trying to play dumb and not know what she is talking about. She gave him the "Are you serious?" glare she usually gives him.

"I saw you training with All Might yesterday."

"O-Oh really huh? M-Maybe it was someone else."

"Someone else with a Anti-Mana sword?"



"Ow..." Izuku said as Kyoka jabbed his side with an earphone jack.

"Don't try being stupid to me. Besides, I'm not going to tell anyone. Y...You've been the only good friend I've had in a long time." She confessed as she looked away and blushed a bit. She rubbed her arm as she wanted to continue what she was saying. "B-But... seeing you train yesterday really inspired me. Knew that after seeing you train hard, I have no room to slack either." She said with confidence in her voice.

"Wh-...What are you saying?"

"I'm asking if you could let me train with you." Kyoka paused for a minute and smiled with a sweat drop. "Also...let's not have it where I get buff and start picking up refrigerators." She said, remembering yesterday how he picked up half a fridge with ease.

Izuku hummed as he started to think about the decision. "I-I don't know." He replied scratching the back of his head. "I-I-I mean, I think it's up to All Might."

"So you are training with him."

"..." Izuku looked at her with realization. "Did you just-."

"Yes, yes I did, but like I said I won't tell a soul." Kyoka said as she lightly punched his shoulder. "There is no harm in asking him right?"

"I guess, but don't you have to go home and get clothes?" Izuku asked and Kyoka shook her head at him.

"Well I usually have my P.E uniform with me when I go to school. So I can wear that today. After that I can start bringing my own clothes with me."

"Mhm..." Izuku said, looking at her with a blank face. "Say, where do you think you will change?"

"...." Kyoka looked at him with the best poker face he had ever seen. But she hadn't actually thought that far ahead. Though, her house isn't that far from Dagobah. So...

"I mean, my place isn't far....wait then what was the point of me-. Forget it, forget the whole thing." Kyoka said now feeling stupid and making Izuku chuckle. That was so dumb. She thought so hard about it she forgot about how close her house was to the beach. "I'll just meet you at the beach. Alright?" Izuku nodded in response.

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