"Amazing Dreams"

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Mina was shocked hearing Izuku speak to Bakugo. 'So these two really do have a history.'

Bakugo was also pretty shocked, but that didn't stop him. "Oh yea? You really think that you're going to be the number one hero?! Bullshit, you hid your quirk from me all these years! You were probably looking down on me from the start! Well guess what?!" Katsuki shot towards him at high speeds. "You are still the worthless kid I have been trying to shake my whole life! You can never catch up to me DEKU!"

He launched another explosion at Izuku who blocked the attack with the flat end of the blade. He learned after the entrance exam that it couldn't just deflect emitter type attacks, but it shoots it back at double speed and strength.

Hit the sword with an explosion not knowing this. The sword began sparking as his eyes went wide, the flat side of the sword let off an explosion that doubled the size of Katsuki's. It blew up in his face and he flew backwards. "I never tried hiding my quirk from you, Kacchan! I was a late bloomer!" He shouted at his former friend before he hit the floor due to the recoil of the explosion that was thrown at him before looking back at Mina. "You need to go find the bomb. Now!"

Mina took a deep breath in and out before nodding at the greenette and scooting off using her quirk. Her boots allowed her to skate over her acid in order to go faster.

"Oh you are SO fucking dead!" Katsuki shouted as he shot at Izuku for round three. He was never one to give up, especially against this stupid nerd!

Izuku slowly raised his sword and Katsuki created an explosion downward to change his trajectory to attack from behind. However Izuku somewhat expected this as he quickly protected himself by placing the flat end of the blade behind him. Katsuki was then hit with another explosion. "I know all your moves, Kacchan, you've spent years bullying me for being quirkless. You don't think I know how you think and fight?!" He shouted out to him as Bakugo flew and hit the ground.

'Dammit....' Katsuki thought. 'He's not that good! How is he... no! He is not winning!'

Katsuki stood back up and prepared his gauntlet to point at Izuku. He then pulled the grenade trigger and shot it at Izuku. 'He can't reflect this!'

Izuku then began cutting through the big explosion as he made a full on dash toward Katsuki.

"You won't beat me Deku! You never will! If you ever do it out of sheer damn luck and you know it!" Katsuki shouted as Izuku continued to run toward him, still cutting through the explosion. After the force of the explosion stopped, Izuku was already right in front of Katsuki, with his blade being held above him.

Katsuki fired another blast at Izuku's gut, but he took the hit. "Then what do you call this Kacchan!? A damn Miracle?!" He said as he slammed the flat end of the blade on him, Izuku heard the sound of the sword hitting him and the sound of Katsuki's back hitting the ground.

Izuku took a deep breath in and out before picking up the blade to see Bakugo passed out with a broken nose. "...Whoops." he said as he swung the sword over his shoulder.

The people in the observation room were shocked besides Kyoka and Rengoku.

"Whoa...he really did that? Midoriya is really powerful!" The very short boy with purple balls for hair named Minoru Mineta said.

Kirishima held his fist up. "I mean yea, you saw him in the changing room. He was completely jacked!"

"Yea, but being jacked wasn't what really saved him. With how Bakugo was fighting, being strong wouldn't mean anything. He must've been really good at being a good swordsman to expect him to try a fake in order to get him from behind." Ojiro stated intellectually, he was a material artist himself, so he held respect for Izuku's swordsmanship.

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