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"Alright, does everyone have their hero costumes?" Giyuu said as he and his class, class 1-A, were all standing in front of him with their hero suit briefcases. It was the day of their internships. After they had picked their hero names, they had three days to pick who they were interning with. The bulls had all kept who they were interning with a secret.

"Remember, you guys aren't permitted to wear them out in public unless given permission by the pro hero you are interning with." He continued and Mina sprung up.


"Speak properly, its "Yes sir", Ashido."

Mina pouted. "...Yea okay..." She replied in disappointment. She was doing way better than she did before, now that she is completely healed that is. Back to her normal self again. The bulls were relieved about this and so was Shinso. It wasn't like her to be so drained all of the time.

"Be sure to be respectful toward the other heroes in your internships. Do what they tell you to do and learn from them. This internship will all get you stronger, you will be doing these internships for a week. The internships will be worth two grades on your gradebook, the internship itself, and the assignment you will take that reflects on what you learned on your internships. This should be an easy two As for you guys so don't disappoint. Off you go now. hop to it." Giyuu said as he walked away. Instructing his students to get to their trains.

Izuku, Mina and Kyoka waited at the center of the train terminal. They were waiting on Setsuna. Giyuu caught sight of them waiting. "I said hop to it. Time is ticking."

"O-Oh, we are just waiting on s-someone, Mr.Tomioka." Izuku said, scratching the back of his head. The black haired hero sighed.

"Oh! Hi, Izuku, Mina and Kyoka." The four looked to see Setsuna and Kendo along with...Shinobu walking to them. "And Mr.Tomioka too." Setsuna said with Itsuka in tow and Shinobu in front of her. The two teachers and the female green haired student all looked at each other nervously, all remembering what conspired a few days ago. "So, wh-who did you guys chose to intern with?"

"Blackhole." Itsuka, Mina and Izuku said at the same time. The three looked at each other. They blinked a few times.

"Not surprised. Not after what Rengoku said. What about you?" Izuku questioned.


"Nah. Not really."

The greenette then turned to his other two squadmates as they stood beside their opposing teachers.

"I decided to intern with Ms.Kocho." Kyoka said with a smile on her face. This caught the other three by surprise. "She sent me an offer surprisingly and I want to work on my stealth." Kocho giggled a bit.

"Great to hear that from you. But you must refer to me as my hero name now on for the week." The 1-B teacher said with a smile.

"Funny, Tokage was one who accepted my own offer. I wonder why..." Tomioka said in a sarcastic yet wondrous tone. He looked at the Greenette from 1-B. "She must've gotten better offers considering she is a recommended student." He said.

"We'll, I-I heard from Izuku, Mina and Kyoka that you are an amazing teacher. I was hoping you would be able to teach me things about my strengths and weaknesses and how I can approve on them." She said with a smile on her face. She then looked at Giyuu with a challenging look. "Also, if you would have thought I could've had better offers than you, you wouldn't have sent me an offer. I already know how you are. You already knew I was going to take the offer." Tomioka looked at her with a bland look, taking a juice box out of his haori and sipping it.

"Well, you are very perceptive. Can't say I really expect that." He said as his face got serious. "Now, you three get on that train or so help me, you will not see the light of day."

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