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Currently, it had been the day after the press came rushing in. Currently, The Black Bulls were walking up the hill to U.A high. Kyoka and Setsuna were holding Izuku's hands as Mina was drinking a cappuccino she got from starbucks. He sighed after she took a sip.

"Man, the press really had us scared yesterday huh." Mina said with a sweat drop, gaining a nod from the other three.

"Y-Yea, and it proves my point on Iida being th-the class prez was for the best." Izuku said with a slight tone of cockiness in his voice.

"I-...." Kyoka gave him a poker face before sighing. "You're right I guess."

"I-I wonder what we are doing today..." Setsuna pondered, placing her free hand on her chin.

Mina shrugged in response. "Dunno, but hopefully it will be fun." Mina said with a smile before taking another sip of her cappuccino. This gained a small chuckle from Izuku and a giggle from Kyoka.

"Don't let Mr.Tomioka hear that. You won't ever hear the end of it." Kyoka said as the four passed through the gates of the school and stepped onto campus grounds.

Mina sighed. "Right... last time I did that he threatened us with expulsion."

Setsuna perked up in shock. "Excuse me what?" Izuku looked at Setsuna.

"D-Didn't we tell you before?" Setsuna shook her head at him.

"N-No, only about you wiping the floor with Bakugou." Setsuna said. "D-Did he actually expel anyone? Shinobu didn't say a word about expulsion when she did our test..."

"O-Oh, no. No one was expelled." Kyoka replied to Setsuna's question. Setsuna was in 1-B so she had no idea what was going on with 1-A.

"Yea, he was just kidding, he wanted us to do our best and not slack off." Mina said, taking another sip of her morning cappuccino. "Oh, I love Starbucks coffee~." Mina said in a satisfied tone, making the others slightly laugh. "Anyways, what do you think we are doing today?"

Izuku shrugged. "I-I mean, maybe another hero based assignment with Rengoku?" Izuku said while still holding hands with Setsuna and Kyoka.

"Probably. Who knows, only when we get there we shall find out." Kyoka said as they began walking up the stairs. The three let go of each other's hands and the cold feeling rose to their hearts again. It's.... a feeling they'll never get used to for as long as they live.

Setsuna parted from the group to get to her class. "Bye, guys! See you after school!" She waved to them and the other three waved back.

"Bye, Setsuna."

"Bye, Tokage." Izuku looked at Mina.

"You know you can call us all by our first names, right?" Izuku said while scratching the back of his head. Mina looked at him with a face of confusion. "I mean, if we are sharing each other's struggles from now on, it's only fair right?"

Mina looked perplexed for a moment before smiling. "I guess you're right. Doesn't mean I won't stop calling you Midori."

"Aye, fair enough." Kyoka said. "But my veggie names are off limits, Mina."

"Aw man... Come on, please~? Setsuna gets to use them." She pouted at Kyoka.

"Yea but that's different." Mina grew a very devilish smirk on her face.

"Oh~? In what way is that different Kyoka~?" Mina teased her friend and squadmate, causing her to blush intensely.

The three then sat in their respective seats in class. Kyoka began playing with Izuku's hair like usual and avoiding messing up the placement of his head band. She began to think, what way was it different. No... it couldn't be possible... does she. 'No, I don't like her. Only as a friend...right?' Kyoka began internally asking herself that question on repeat over and over again. She was lost in thought until Giyuu stepped into the room.

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