"Rakugaki Peiji"

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After Izuku had stopped to look at the crowd around him, people began pouring out of the entrance to the arena. Izuku looked to where Bakugo was and he seemed utterly defeated, as if he were contemplating every life choice that got him in this position. Izuku knew Katsuki, so he knew he was thinking about how he lost to him a second time.

The first time Katsuki had no idea what kind of power Izuku had under his shoulders. The damn nerd thought he was slick to hide that kind of power from him for years! And at the same time studied his while looking down at him at the same time! But, even when he knew all that, even when he was certain he had a clear grasp of what abilities he had... he still lost to the worthless stepping stone he calls "Deku". "...No way....Dammit Deku. You worthless piece of shit..." He muttered under his breath.

Eventually, Setsuna had caught up and passed the finish line. She was tired of course but she immediately ran to Izuku. "You did great, G-Green Bean!" She said happily while using Kyoka's nickname for Izuku. This caused Izuku to blush immensely as he realized how cute Tokage sounded while saying that nickname. "Th-That was a really great idea-" She was cut off by Zora walking past her and bumping her shoulder in the process.

Ideale looked down on the green haired boy. He quirked a brow at him. "Ya know, at first I didn't take you for the brat that had the balls or brains to pull that stunt you did back there. You better not lose the next game, it would be a shame if you were the one to lose your seat to me, Stick Bug." He then flicked his finger at him and a bug landed on Izuku's nose. "Have a rainbow stink bug."

Setsuna, who already knew this trick Zora pulled, reacted quickly, but not in the way she was hoping to. Before the stink bug could detonate its foul odor, Setsuna slapped Izuku in the face. It did knock the stink bug off, but it did hurt.

The redhead with the dope mask chuckled in amusement before he walked off.

Setsuna began to panic, realizing what she did. "O-Oh my god, i'm s-s-so s-sorry, Izuku. I-I didn't mean-"

Izuku, who rubbed his cheek and looked at Setsuna with a smile, shook his free hand. "N-No, its fine. Th-Thanks."

"Wh-Why are you thanking me?"

"Well...you saved me from the stink bug."


Eventually, Mina and Kyoka caught up, they were also going to the next game. Meaning all the Black Bulls are still in the running to win this thing.

"That was awesome, Izuku! That was just freaking amazing!" Mina shouted, pumping both fists up in the air. She began doing a little happy dance as Kyoka walked up to Izuku and high fived both his hands.

"Black Bulls represent!"

Setsuna, who had gotten over slapping Izuku after seeing Kyoka beaming with happiness, also pumped her fist in the air. "Oh you know it!"

"Yea, all we have to do is get past the next game. Hopefully we all get to make it to the one on one rounds." Kyoka said and Mina dropped her happiness.

"Yea.. but if it's one on one we can't fight together....~" She whined and Izuku shook his head.

"Remember Mina, if one of us makes it to first place, The Black Bulls as a whole win the whole thing." Izuku said as he grabbed his grimoire and looked at it. "I havent used my Demon-Slayer and Demon-Dweller Swords to their full potential in the last game, I've only developed clever strategies that worked out better than I hoped for. This next game will show what I have in store with my abilities..." Izuku explained, gaining an understanding nod from the three people in front of him. Kyoka perked up.

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